Family Over Everything.

in life •  7 months ago 

Whatever you do in life make sure your family comes first. Family is all that you have.

Big Family

When you came into this world, you were born into a family, your were nurtured by a family, you were clothed and was fed by a family, you received your first love from a family, you grew with a family and when you will eventually die the same family will bury you.

It would be very devastating that any point in time you neglect your family who were with you right from the beginning for any reason. No matter the excuses you come up with family is family, you cannot prioritize other people who never saw you when you were helpless and growing up, they only met you when you were already made by your family.

Even if you think your family hates you which is not true, perhaps if they did they would have get rid of you when you were nothing and a kid. If your family never wanted you, there would not be any need of taking good care of you.

It is only family that stays with you when you are yet nothing. Others would always gravitate to you when you have something to offer and will be quick to leave when there is nothing to gain.

You entered this world with a family and there is a reason for that, never neglect that reason for anything, people come and go in your life but family is always permanent. You can never deny your identity, it would always be traced to your family, wherever you are when you die they will bring you back to your family.

Give your all to family and let others get the remaining part of you, that is how you scale through life.

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