Attempts to isolate Moscow have exacerbated the global food crisis: Russia

in life •  2 years ago 

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Russia's foreign ministry says efforts by G-7 countries, including the West, to isolate Moscow have exacerbated the global food crisis.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday. The news agency Reuters reported this information.
The seven most industrialized countries in the world are the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. The European Union is also part of this alliance.
The foreign ministers of the G-7 alliance pledged last Saturday that they would further deepen Russia's economic and political isolation. They will continue to supply arms to Ukraine. They will work to reduce the food shortage in Ukraine in the wake of the Russian attack.
Russia's foreign ministry said in a statement posted on its website that efforts to withdraw Russia from the long-running channel of international cooperation, economically, commercially and logistically, were only exacerbating the economic and food crisis.
The G8 was once the G8. Russia was expelled from there. Russia was expelled from the alliance in 2014 over its occupation of Crimea.
Russia's foreign ministry said in a statement that it was "absolutely unacceptable" that the West had taken unilateral action against Russia. That move exacerbated the problem of food security in the world market.
The Corona epidemic disrupted global food supplies. The Russia-Ukraine war has exacerbated the crisis. Global food prices are rising due to supply crisis.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has predicted a slowdown in world economy due to the Russia-Ukraine war. This time, the company has lowered its growth forecast for the global economy from 4.6 percent to 2.5 percent.
Russia launched an attack on Ukraine on February 24. The impact of this war on the world economy is clear.
The West has imposed the toughest sanctions on Moscow in recent history over Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the move a declaration of economic war.
Recently, Putin claimed that sanctions imposed on Russia had triggered a global economic crisis.

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