What is the motto of always being happy?

in life •  10 months ago 

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Give up some things to be happy in life...

1... will give up overthinking about a subject...

2..... stop thinking about the past....

3.. You should give up the habit of being too dependent on someone.

4... Stop trying to make everyone happy and try to make yourself happy....

  1. Never compare yourself with others. Compare yourself with yourself.

6... excessive anger will give up miserliness....

7... will stop breaking down..... in life there are many problems many times.

8...Success will leave Alsemi for Ajan. Sleep and success don't go together so either one has to be taken.....

9..... Never take any decision by listening or believing others. As long as you don't get the proof yourself...

  1. The habit of over-doubting should be avoided.
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