Learn some tricks that will last a lifetime:

in life •  10 months ago 

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  • There is no need to tell too many people or write anything related to the job on Facebook before taking the job test and before the result comes out, because if the job is not yours then there will be no shortage of people to criticize you, even close friends will criticize.

*There is no need to make many friends before being established in life, and there is no need to give friends much time, because if you cannot be established at one time, then these close friends will also leave, and once established again, you will see that there will be no shortage of friends, because people are springy by nature. cuckoo

  • Keep writing on Facebook or Quora, write what you know, but it is better not to write anything personal, if you keep writing, you will see that you can stand in front of people and say many things, which will make you smarter.

  • Don't take any decision late at night and in anger because usually after 12 midnight we become more emotional and give wrong thoughts, on the other hand in anger we do a lot of wrong things, for which pasta is required.

  • Your position on the priority list of a person's life depends on his needs.

*Stop thinking of yourself as an 'option', put yourself first on your priority list

  • Nothing about you is lacking. It's not necessary to "watch 100 YouTube videos, finish 30 PDFs, and start studying for a degree" in order to begin something.

  • Friends are fleeting, at some point in life all friends are just "contacts" or "acquaintances".

*There is no need to finish reading all answers before writing an answer in Quora.

*Never seek advice from someone who has never faced that situation.

*Be accountable, but only to the people you love.

*People judge you by a standard of their own making.

*Silence is the best answer to insufferable people. His ignorance is your revenge.

*Don't tell anyone your goals until you achieve them.

  • If you have to go against the norm, never lose heart.

  • Learn to stand your ground, even if it goes against your family.

  • At any cost…… don't give anyone any chance to insult you.

  • Start from where you are right now. And, end up where you dreamed of reaching.

  • Have faith in God's design. Only He loves you sincerely. Whatever occurs, he is always by your side.

  • Don't forget to ask for help.

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