Version of the world where flowers write poetry and means of demise are music

in life •  3 years ago 

I was asked if I can a write a few for today. I guess I can, if that means that I can get something in return. I mean if we are going into the adventures again, I have a few demands of my own. For example flying. I am ok writing a few sentences. I wrote to you a few days ago. I miss my Twitter. Maybe I should make another one with my name, nobody will pay attention. There are so many of make-believe accounts there already. Paper writing is also cool. But imagine the volume of creepy, my handwriting in her notebook. But it is just a chance, an accident.

So, this is from me for today. Breakfast was more or less bearable. In fact very diet. The banana and coffee is still better than jail food. You have to trust me on that one. Lunch was great. Chem free cheese and ham, fried Basmati rice and fresh green salad is heaven.

So, the topic is The Failure. I saw that previous post, and it is entertaining. I have nothing to comment, but I would love to offer you my own opinion about the failure and how to deal with it. Well, unless you going to die off heart attack that moment obviously not hanging yourself. I also sincerely hope that you like my flower of a day. Now we can start.

Right off the bat - There is a version of the world in which you are not a stupid faggot. There is always an option in which you, instead crying all over the desolated place, go to the that affable place where you can make something out of your bare bone post about your morning coffee and creepy feet pictures sprouted towards the beautiful sunset panorama. If it includes your personal yacht, which I fairly doubt, then it is even better.

I am sure that normal, decent people appreciate that content, because it is so priceless. I am sure they love it. I don't want to tell you what I think about those moments immortalized in that perfect glimpse in time.

I am really trying to participate - so many webs where I can post about it. Appics is the newest thing. And I insisted to signup! Because it is visual. Epic amount of garbage! Pictures of coffee, food, flowers, sky and feet. It is the dream come true.

I believe there is a place where you can even make a fortune off it. And you don't need to Insta-girl yourself, which is aw so much pity because that should be your calling. Everybody should have Naked-Press profile, it should be obligatory. Even crispy hags and fat slobs down in the district. Semantically speaking the certain amount of shame would make us humble. I guess. Not.

I was told that the Whaleshares had a surge of front page porn. I was so unhappy to hear that they deleted all those front page dick posts - such a waste of an opportunity. You really don't know how to package it up. I am watching that like the humanity's last salvation and telling myself somebody should wrote that they are gay friendly ( "my my does a butterfly fly"...). And then, those wretched fuckers, they just had to fuck that up and deleted it.

All of the sudden they are family-friendly? From exactly when? I saw more raw-dogging on crypto content mills than on National Geographic/Google News/ Porn Hub combined!! That family friendly? I am sure they are, just in a different way. Ass fuck, brain fuck and third includes humans. COMBINED!

You know, everything is fairly better than slowly dripping off some content mill because you don't make a dollar per day on THIS website like on THAT one so it has to be unholy and everyone who uses it is a walking sacrilege.
Personally I don't want you to be better. Personally I was called worse. And too many fine people who claim they are better than me, I really can't live up to all of that...

I have no problem if you are humiliating yourself on a daily basis. I expect that to happen. It makes my day. Together with my coffee snap and feet photo. So, what is unclear? Beside the foot fetish?
It is not the same situation, but go with that financial differentiation on Twitter and make sure to impale it up to Jack, invite me, I will watch, and see what happens. But I get it.

You have done absolutely every shape, sort and type of whoring to stuff that bag of yours up with other people's juice and now, when nobody is baby-showering that big pile of nothing, you demand that somebody is obligated to fawn about it for you again.

Why? Do I look like I am going to buy into your cut? Ok, maybe, but not if I can get the same thing for free.

I get you. You are banged up, didn't secure and bastard eloped... In short. Well... it's your point of the view, and it is quite nice to see you cringing around because you think you have been screwed over. Well, ok then, genius.

And now you are angry why somebody else is in that same place that you hate so much? Aw, but I can go anywhere to do the same ... and? You mean, anywhere else? Yes, anywhere and anywhere else. But why do you give a shit? You don't care if one million other websites burns down but somehow there is a problem with a single one because their business is not up your expectations? Really...

I think there is a better version of the world in which you are not a faggot begging for a brittle shred of attention because you have nowhere to take your fixation. But that world in which the rest of us live is not your personal aid fund and everyone else is a social security manager who doesn't want to clear your honestly earned relief bill. I failed so many times. I was wrong so many times. Last thing I got wrong landed me where I am right now. And I can't fix it.

Do you know why rich people get imprisoned and screwed over? It is not because they have money and somebody wants it. It is because they don't have enough money. If you have all that money, you can do whatever you fuck want. That's why I told her to stop doing favors. I didn't like what I saw.

Basically it is immutably impossible to know what kind of success or loss is around the corner, but to cry about the failure and to assign the most indulgent things to be the gears of success spinning into our favor... that's insane! I advised her, and I suggest it to everybody else to assign that value to real things. It is all game when it is spinning, I agree, it is ingenious, but it is not real. In a way, I am Seneka. Virtually, yes, you can give value and meaning to whatever you wish and desire, I can virtually run or ruin my place, but if you can make a choice what it will be, if I can make a choice to make something out of it and not a circus, why not make something that is important and real.

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