The Science of Happiness: How to Increase Joy in Your Life

in life •  last year 

In the modern world, we live in an "atta boy" society. People celebrate the smallest success, so why not strive for more joy? But how do you really increase joy in your life?

In this post, I'm going to share with you the science of happiness. Not only will it help you increase joy in your life, but it'll also help you enjoy the process more than you currently do.

STEP 1: Choose Joy over Pleasure

You've heard it all before, right? Life is not about living happily ever after. It's about living happily today, even if tomorrow you don't. The happiest people in the world are the people who wake up every morning knowing that they have the best job they could possibly ask for. They are fully aware of the fact that the only constant in life is change. So, when the moment of pleasure arrives, they are able to embrace it, rather than waiting until it's over and regretting it.

Nowadays, most of us live in a "happy now" society. We think that happiness is the goal and that we need to pursue it at all costs, even if it requires giving up some short-term pleasures. But this kind of thinking leads us to be miserable and unhappy for the rest of our lives. It's important that we understand the difference between the two concepts. We need to choose happiness over pleasure.

STEP 2: Find and Pursue What You Love

In life, we don't always know what we are supposed to be doing. For example, most people go to college just because they were told to do so by their parents or teachers. But once you graduate and look back at all that time spent, you might find that you really hate what you studied. There is a reason why some people chose to study a specific major. Some people are actually more suited to different types of careers, while others are better at one particular subject. And even if you don't know exactly what you want to do with your life, you probably have ideas of things you like doing, hobbies you enjoy, or people that inspire you.

All of these ideas are forms of "joy". In the end, it doesn't matter whether you are studying medicine or painting. What matters is whether you are enjoying yourself while you're doing it. The thing to remember is that you can enjoy what you are doing, even if you are doing something you don't love. You can still experience "joy" in your life, even if it's just a small moment during a daily routine.

And when you do this, you will find that it feels good. The more you do this, the better you get at finding the things that you enjoy, and the happier you become. You can't force yourself to do things you don't enjoy. It simply won't work. What you can do is surround yourself with people who encourage you to be happy. Surround yourself with positive people, read inspiring books, watch movies with a happy message, and make

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