The Science of Happiness: How to Boost Your Mood and Live a More Fulfilling Life

in life •  last year 

How to change your mindset and feel happier every day! It's time to change the story you're telling yourself about life, and start living more consciously and consciously.

STEP 1: Define your goals

Start by defining your end goal.

What do you want to be, do, and experience? What do you want to accomplish with your life? This includes a sense of purpose, mission, and vision, but also more concrete things like a particular job, hobby, relationship, skill, or event.

Don't worry about how you get there yet - just start by writing down a few of your dreams, goals, and hopes. Don't focus too much on how they might manifest - just write them down and start thinking about them every day.

STEP 2: Figure out why you're unhappy

It's important to identify the source of your unhappiness and find out why you feel so down or frustrated every day.

This means doing a little bit of self-assessment and introspection. Ask yourself the following questions, and try to answer honestly:

Am I fulfilled in my relationships?

Do I have good friends?

Am I living up to my potential?

How does my job make me feel?

How do my goals and aspirations make me feel?

Are there ways I can improve?

Take a few moments and think about it.

STEP 3: Determine your biggest happiness blocker

Your biggest happiness blocker is likely something that stands between you and your goals and visions, which may include your relationships, finances, health, career, or personal development.

Once you've identified this, look for ways to change that.

Here are some ways you can start thinking about changing that:

Find an accountability partner who shares your goals.

Make a plan to work on your happiness.

Identify what you need in order to become happier.

STEP 4: Start using the tools you need

Once you know what you need to change, you can start looking for the tools you'll need to get there.

Some of the most powerful tools are those that allow you to track your progress and keep you accountable.

Keep a journal to help you remember your goals and progress.

Create a plan to help you achieve your goals.

Use your intuition to figure out how you can be happier.

STEP 5: Keep it up

Remember, you don't have to do all of this in one shot. You can pick one thing and work on it every day until you get there.

It's the same concept as sticking to a fitness routine, or learning a new skill.

Just like with fitness, you won't see results right away. So, stick to the plan for a while, and you'll start seeing real changes.

STEP 6: Live your best life

So now that you've figured out the science of happiness, it's time to live it!

Start being conscious of what you're thinking and feeling, and start living with purpose.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Very good ideas