The Importance of Self-Care: Taking Time for Yourself

in life •  last year 

People work in silence all day long. We get used to hearing voices every time we open our inbox or get an email notification. And when we get emails from the people closest to us, we don’t have to wait, because they are literally in our pockets, ready to be pounced upon at any time.

That’s why it’s important to remember to take care of yourself – mentally and physically. After all, what you give to others will come back tenfold to you.

I hope you’ve been able to read this far without missing a single word. Here are some tips to keep you motivated to put more self-care into practice.

  1. Keep a Daily Journal

What I like about the journal is that it doesn’t feel like I’m “writing” when I’m taking the time to do it. It feels more like just taking notes, which allows me to reflect on things without judgement or criticism. I find it really easy to become overwhelmed when I try to write too much, and therefore end up only focusing on my own thoughts and emotions, while failing to capture the good things happening in my life.

By keeping a journal daily, I’m able to look back and see how everything is going. I also like the idea of keeping a journal throughout the year so I can compare my progress.

  1. Do Something for Yourself Every Day

Taking care of yourself does not mean going out and buying expensive gadgets or treatments. In fact, I’d suggest you take care of yourself by spending time doing things for yourself first. So, what activities can you take care of every day? For me, this is playing games on my phone, taking pictures and looking at the images I took, playing around on Facebook or Twitter, taking breaks from the computer or social media, and finally, going for a walk and/or workout. All of these things can easily be done daily without feeling like you’re being lazy.

  1. Have a Goal

As simple as it sounds, I’ve found that having a daily goal is helpful in setting myself up for success. I’ve made a personal goal to work out three times a week. I’m working on building up to a half hour session, but the more I do it, the more I want to do it.

My daily goal is something I can aim for and something I can measure myself against. The key to achieving a daily goal is being able to stick to it. To be honest, I’m only able to set a daily goal once a week because I don’t find it easy to do on the other days.

  1. Be Generous

We often hear of generosity being a virtue. When we think of generous people, we imagine someone who is selfless and who helps others when they need it the most.

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