How to Let Go of the Past

in life •  2 years ago 

The first step towards letting go of the past is to forgive yourself and everyone else who has caused you pain. You can also forgive yourself if you've done something that caused you trauma. Once you've forgiven the other person or situation, you can put physical distance between yourself and that memory. Then, focus on the present moment. You can't let go of the past if you're stuck in it.

Forgive everybody who has caused you harm
Forgiving anybody who has hurt you can help you move faster on the road to recovery. Forgiving someone is often an emotional process, and while forgiving somebody may be difficult, it is vital. People who have hurt us may not realize how much they have harmed us. They may feel remorseful or guilty, but they don't have a sense of the extent of our pain. They will not be able to appreciate the depth of our pain until we choose to forgive them.

Forgive yourself if you think you have caused yourself trauma
It's difficult to forgive yourself if you constantly judge yourself. You need to understand that all of us make mistakes, so you must have compassion for yourself, too. Forgiving yourself is not a sign of abdicating responsibility, however. Rather, it will help you release negative self-talk and respond to your experiences with greater clarity. Listed below are some tips to forgive yourself if you think you have caused yourself trauma:

Creating a physical distance between yourself and the person or situation that has caused you harm
Physical distance is important for our emotional well-being. It helps us to separate ourselves from things that trigger our anger. When a person or situation causes us harm, we must create physical distance from it. Psychological distance is equally important. Psychological distancing makes us feel less angry or triggered. When we feel physically distant from a person or situation, we are more likely to let it go.

Keeping your attention on the present moment
One of the most important aspects of letting go is the ability to stay in the present moment. When you lose your attention in the past or future, you are creating energy for the past. Negative energy attracts like-energy, so focusing on the past gives it more energy. In the present, focus on the present moment, the only place where things can change. This means letting go of the expectations of the future and the thoughts of others.

Finding people to talk about your past
Let's face it, the past is difficult to get over, but there are ways to make it easier. For one thing, writing down your feelings can help you release negative emotions. Another way to release your ill feelings is to talk about your experiences with friends and family. This way, you can talk to a variety of people without fear of being judged or criticised. You may even want to write your own story if it helps you move past your past.

Making peace with it
To make peace with the past requires new understandings of the world. A painful past experience changes our concepts of love, family, values, and even God. Painful past experiences also change our expectations of the world. Our scripts about the world are often a source of pain and make us story-tellers. This behavior often results in a painful cycle and seeks sympathy. The truth is, peace with the past is easier than we think.

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