Discover Your Purpose and Activate Powerful Motivation for Health and Wealth

in life •  2 years ago 

The path to living your purpose isn't always obvious. But you can learn to live it by reading books that speak to you and seeking out people and experiences that can guide you on your journey. After all, people and experiences show up in your life for a reason, whether it's to teach you a lesson, challenge you, or help you on your path.

Finding your passion
In order to find your passion, you need to be able to tap into it. This means taking the time to explore your interests and uncover what makes you feel the happiest. The most effective way to discover your passion is by observing how you feel when you do something you really love. Take a step back from the task at hand and ask yourself: "Do I really enjoy doing this?" The answer will help you decide what your passion is, and how you can develop it into a career.

Feeling connected to others
Increasing loneliness and social isolation have serious consequences for our health and well-being. People who are socially connected report lower anxiety levels and lower depression, improved self-esteem, and higher levels of empathy and cooperation. It has also been found that people with higher social connectedness are less likely to engage in anti-social behavior and to experience a drop in physical health.

Identifying your purpose in life
Your purpose in life is the goal that connects your inner drive with your outer reward. This purpose should be a combination of what you love doing and what gives you joy. The Japanese have a philosophy called ikigai, or "following your joy," which means finding overlap between what you enjoy and what the world needs. When you can identify what you love doing and what the world needs, you'll be more motivated to pursue that.

Re-focusing on external rewards
It's easy to chase after external rewards. However, when the pursuit of those rewards causes you to fall farther and further away from your ultimate goal, it may be time to re-focus your attention. Instead of chasing after those external rewards, you should focus on internal rewards.

Listening to your instincts
We live in a culture that values intellect and problem-solving, but if you want to live life on purpose, you need to follow your instincts and trust your inner guidance. Scientists call intuition "the highest form of intelligence," and by following your gut, you'll tune into that higher intelligence.

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