Self Confidence - Not What You Think

in life •  last year 

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The latest from @nainaztengra which I love following. This article made me think about the quietness of those know what they worth.

I used AI to enhance my thoughts about it.

Self-Confidence: It's More Than Just a Loud Roar!

Ah, self-confidence! That magical elixir that promises to make us walk tall, talk loud, and conquer the world. But what if I told you that there's more to self-confidence than just strutting around like a peacock on steroids? In this whimsical exploration, we'll uncover the true essence of self-confidence and how it can transform your life—while sprinkling a healthy dose of humor along the way!

  1. Beyond the Thunderous Roar:
    Imagine you're in a room filled with overly confident individuals, each trying to out-roar the other. It's like being trapped in a lion's den during mating season. Sure, they might be loud, but are they really self-confident? True self-confidence lies in embracing who you are, flaws and all, and having the courage to accept feedback, both positive and negative.

  2. The Feedback Oasis:
    Picture yourself stranded on a deserted island with only a volleyball named Wilson as your companion. While Wilson might provide decent conversation (or so you believe), it's through interactions with real people that we gain valuable feedback. Self-confidence means actively seeking input from our surroundings—think of it as a buffet of opinions where you get to choose which dishes to savor and which to politely pass on.

  3. Negative Feedback: The Real MVP:
    We've all received negative feedback at some point, and boy, can it sting like a bee in a bad mood. But instead of retreating to lick our wounds, self-confidence encourages us to face the music (preferably with an epic dance routine). Constructive criticism can be a powerful catalyst for growth and improvement. So, the next time someone tells you that your singing sounds like a dying walrus, thank them for their honesty and sign up for singing lessons!

  4. Positive Feedback: The Sweet Symphony:
    Positive feedback, like a beautifully composed symphony, has the power to uplift our spirits and boost our confidence. Self-assurance allows us to graciously accept praise without downplaying our achievements or doubting our abilities. So, when someone compliments your impeccable taste in mismatched socks, simply say, "Thank you, I take pride in my fashion-forward foot attire!"

  5. The Balancing Act:
    Finding the perfect equilibrium between embracing negative feedback and relishing positive feedback can feel as challenging as performing brain surgery while juggling flaming torches. However, self-confidence enables us to navigate this delicate dance with grace. It's about knowing when to heed advice, when to stand tall in the face of criticism, and when to bust out a victory dance because we're awesome (cue the synchronized sprinkler moves).

In a world that often confuses self-confidence with boasting and arrogance, it's important to remember the true essence of this powerful trait. It's not about shouting the loudest or seeking dominance, but rather about embracing our imperfections and willingly accepting feedback. So, let's unleash our inner confidence, dance to the beat of both positive and negative feedback, and above all, embrace the joyous journey of self-improvement with a twinkle in our eyes and a skip in our step!

Hope you enjoyed ❤️


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