You vwill eat zee bugs, or else

in life •  last year 


No I am not dead, was waiting for the world to catch up to the con-men and con-women in supposed charge.

The picture is our land, it is flooded, the fools that fool around with the weather, because they think they are GOD, have flooded my mx track, my golf course too.
Maybe I should get some trout and go fishing instead hey, no license required on my land.
When I was in Bali I noted they fire a laser at the clouds, to make it rain away from the coastline, OK, here you go. I witnessed it first hand!

The weather seems pretty fucked everywhere, maybe playing god was a bad idea hey, but then again, the fools that rule will repeat it, as they never learn do they, now go eat ya bugs and wait for the limit to how much digital cash you can have!

From a FB friend below..........

Avoid processed foods as much as possible!
Permission has already been issued for manufacturers to add insects to all food products.
Now my dear friends we are required to read the ingredients of the products. They obliged the producers to write what was added there, but unfortunately it will be in Latin.
!! 1. Yellow flour worms - Tenebrio molitor.
(Commonly called flour, yellow flour, woolen beetles, dark beetles )
!! 2. The Cockroaches - Blattodea.
!! 3. Domestic grasshopper - Acheta domesticus.
!! 4. Migratory Locusta - Migratory locusta..
!! 5. Buffalo Worm - Alphitobius Diaperinus.
These insects will give us a lot of parasitic flora.
Chityna is a hard outer cover for insects that destroy internal organs and cause diseases, such as: CANCER.
Insects are a reservoir of parasitic and pathogenic flora that cripples human organs. You can't get these parasites out of your body.
If you look at product compositions, read:
E -120-Carmine (red dye) is a mixture of cochineal beetles
E - 904 WIND . It is a product of worm waste. Worms live in subtropical countries.
If you buy products, you have to read the content.
Insects are now being added to confectionery, baking products, pasta, pastry products and drinks.
We are not meant to eat bugs.!

Eat bugs, limit cash, do you think the billionaires will have limits?

I spend most of my time on my own at the farm now. I get easily bored, and politicians bore me.
Silly Fiat system doomed to fail, so now they want even more control, hope it applies to them and theirs too.
And the maggots that attend the WEF and Bilderberg group.

I digress or do I?

I want to be a normie, and write what they write, about themselves, nice narcissists posts, but hey, I do not watch TV, so have no idea what bs they are fed now.......

Wear a mask! Research masks.
Stand 6 feet away from me! Research event 201 and plandemic bonds 2017 world bank!!"!
I comply so you should! Grow a set of balls!
Virology is a myth, germ theory too, terrain theory kept us alive for thousands of years before Rockefeller petro pills so called science.
As the dollar dies, and China makes even those that hate each other friends, Iran - Saudi.
And Biden falls up some more steps, forgets where he came from, what he was supposed to say, worry not, some dude in a dress is going to make sure you know his name, he is so tolerant he hits women, NEW Zealand! @FROT.

Just another side show is it not?

The truth of it is, governments have no authority, they are all broke, and any tax they get they spend on weapons to send our children to die in their wars!!!!!!
250,000 plus young Ukraine men dead so far, and for what? To keep a USA puppet government in power so Biden and his son can keep getting money? Laptop, FBI and CIA have done nothing about it, have they?

Trump is also a puppet, he was the first person banging on about MRNA gene therapy, myocarditis is my answer, as I watch healthy people die of "sudden death syndrome"......

Have a superb day all the same, just stop voting for idiots!

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  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you very much.....

  ·  last year  ·  

Reading this makes me wonder what people will think of our society looking back from even twenty years in the future. Some will look into the blockchain and say something like,

"There were a few woke chaps. Why'd no one listen to them?"

  ·  last year  ·  

Difficult to write now as the world is so fucked up, by a few, and they are only a few, in power, but people vote for them in their millions.
I note most of those in alleged power have Jumped ship since the plandemic, like Matt Wankcock.
I could say I told you so, but does it matter, those that vote for idiots, the better of 2 evils, the people that make nothing named politicians, will continue to do so, dragging us all down with their stupidity.!

  ·  last year  ·  

In sixth grade elementary school a politician came to our school to teach us about the legal system. The text term the politician lost her seat. The teacher told us, "Don't feel sorry for politicians. They will take care of themselves."

  ·  last year  ·  



  ·  last year  ·  

  ·  last year  ·  

Cheers brother. nice dog.

  ·  last year  ·  

She's a bitch 😬



  ·  last year  ·  

So is mine, Bitches are ace, when dogs, not the other kind.

  ·  last year  ·  

Great to hear from you again, it's certainly crazy times.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Cheers brother, crazy here, can hear the war drones above, fuck em, only live once, bring it on.....

  ·  last year  ·  

I like your attitude 👍

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Born to die, politicians can suck my balls, useless maggots the lot of them......