Shackled minds - release thee from your mental bondage

in life •  2 years ago 


21 days they say 21 days.

"It's the end of the world as you know it, it's the end of the world as you know, and I feel fine."

Friends theme, you either know or you do not.
I tend to treat my readers with the respect they deserve, they seem intelligent enough to know most things I know without me needing to spoon feed them info.
As we watch the implosion of the monetary system via inflation, the monkey magic 21 day "you must self isolate for 21 days or else" will be the final nail in the coffin of said system, politicians too, there will be riots, there will be violence.

Let us remember; this part is directed specifically towards my male friends, no that is not sexist, but remember that most women and most children will not want any part in violence, and most of them WILL need to be shielded from it, so do your very best to do so by orders of me.
There is a plan to force violence via the hunger games, electric shortages, energy crisis etc, @richq11 covered this eloquently on his own post/article yesterday.

I never played along with the last lock downs, I will not play along with this next part neither, if you do - that is up to you.
I never took the experimental vax, and I feel fine.

I am watching as are most of you, the tip toe to totalitarian control as David Icke so eloquently puts it, but will it work? I doubt it very much!

My thoughts are we have surpassed governmental control structures via the blockchains, we already have monetary mechanisms with tokens, any and all of them, be it blurt, dare I say hive, BTC, eth etc.

The tech industry via robots even in the auto industry prove we and they have surpassed governance structures, the 4th industrial revolution is real, but what governments did not see, is "we no longer need THEM" or their wars!

I have a very good feeling about what is going to happen, yes it will be violent, yes some may not see the other side of these events, but hey, been a nice ride, regardless, so bring it on.

For those paying attention you have been blatantly shown how fake the entire system is.
My main photo above restored my faith in humanity, 1200 people were laughing at the media, including me, gone were the caring Karens, no offense intended to the ladies of this world.

I will give it til August at the latest, and we can all expect one huge fight, may the fittest survive.

What will be will be, I am never usually wrong.

I was stood at the checkout yesterday, and noted two drunk men behind me, it felt odd, it made me check my back pocket for my wallet, sure enough it was almost hanging out, been prized slowly, as I turned the man behind me turned his back on me, I nearly swung for his face, but a lady that worked there ushered them to the next till, put a barrier behind me with shopping trollies, defused the situation and all, nobody got hurt, but it was close, I think as a society we are the closest we have been to war with alleged elites than ever, get ready for a bumpy ride, be smart, look after loved one's, protect the weak, go forth with a smile, game on!

Now a fun story, hey, life is fun, you are here for a reason, as am I, accept that fact and smile at it all.

A wonderful story about a guy in the USA who advertised antifreeze for sale. This was apparently one of the things that was in short supply in the US during WWII.
It sold briskly and worked well.
A curious technician at MIT wondered where the guy was getting the scarce antifreeze so he analyzed a sample.
It was salt water. That will do the trick freeze-wise but play havoc on your engine.
Alarmed, he wrote to this guy and told him about the test and berated him for selling a product that was harmful.
Undismayed, the guy put out a new advert saying "Tested By MIT!"

Have a superb day, and get prepping.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for putting this here, cause as soon as I read the first lines I was humming this song. (What a tune!)
Had a little dance and sing along, which is exactly the response I have to all of the above @ajerkoff.
You might as well just have fun.
I mean, i also think it is going to get ugly, i also think that not all gonna make it, but those who meant to, those who are here to enjoy the Golden Age that comes after, we might as well find a way to enjoy ourselves. I was super lucky during the past few years of madness (although i dont believe in luck, i believe in alignment).
Yes, there were some parts that tested me, winters are a bit slow when you live on your own. But i was not playing along with their BS. I could go for days forgetting what was going.

So planning on doing the same and be the one with the popcorn in the corner.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are a smart cookie, I already know that, I would love a laugh and a giggle with you over a few beers or wine, but alas it will never happen, we both know that, in a way I think, and it will sound odd to most, we all somehow chose to be here at this point in time, some to fight, some to protect, some to just have that popcorn, maybe that makes me insane, but hey, we all are in a way, I know which part I play, got the guns, bring it on I say.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LoL, ever in the UK my friend, gimme a shout, I'd love a laugh with you over a drink. Or vodka soaked melons 😅🍉, as we know thats what I do 😅😂🤣

Till then, carry on just all playing the role we are here to do 🙌🏻 (and after as well)

I still have moments when I question my sanity, but that is when the best syncronicities happen and remind me that I am so protected and looked after 🙏🏻

As I was saying in my last blog, with the heaven and hell on earth; when you not in alignment, you basicly just willingly torturing yourself.
So whenever that happens, come back to heaven. 🙏🏻

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was looking for something to back up my thoughts, and found it

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yup 🙏🏻💜
Just walking each other home.
And when we there, we all have a big party 🙌🏻

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That be the one, have a superb day friend.


Always nice to end tough topics with a good laugh! 😊

Yes, tough times are ahead for we men, as aggression quickly becomes the new normal. But we have also had tough times behind us, and up to this point, some of us have chosen to be more cunning than brutal. Years ago when these times were being predicted, my mother purchased a DVD set for me on how to essentially send others to the morgue. My mother is a peaceful and quiet person, but far from asleep on certain issues.

It was hard studying and training, as I am not a violent person. I'm not a pacifist, but I prefer diplomacy. I've had enough violence in my younger days.

It's still not over, so your warnings are well noted. We men have a great weight on our shoulders, as we have to protect our women, children and the weak. At least those of us who care about humanity. I have the great fortune of having a partner by my side who is a fierce Warrior Queen! And I don't say that to hype her up; it's simply the truth. A man once pulled a huge steak-knife out on me, and she jumped in front of me, pushed him away and shouted him down. Women can be verbally lethal! 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have a similar woman, that is why we love them, but when it comes to this next one brother, ask her to stay behind and not step in front, I can see it coming from a mile away, it is not going to be pretty, but hey, we got this, in you I trust, as I do with all my blurt buddies, we got this. Play some nice tunes, enjoy the sun, get fit, get ready.

I have a similar woman, that is why we love them

So true! 🥰 Especially if you're not always an easy man to deal with! A strong man needs a strong woman by his side, and vice-versa... and so does a crazy man, weird man, etc. need an equal by his side. 🤪🤣

Grazia wouldn't stay behind, even if I locked her in a closet. It's not in her nature to stand down, nor stand aside. But believe that we will be careful; we choose our fights very cautiously. We don't want to lose one another. In fact, she shouted that dude down because she knew what would happen had I gotten hold of that knife... and I would have! She doesn't want to see me in prison.

I don't know what you see coming. I used to feel a sense of what was coming, but now all I see in the future are confusion and chaos. I feel unprepared all the time, but I also have a great deal of faith in humanity, and in my intuition.

Not all of us are going to make through the coming times. And by us I mean those who are awake and aware. There is a misconception that all awake and aware people are in the countryside living off-grid, or something like that. But there are those of us who are still in the urban jungle, others in prison and others who are homeless. Some are even in the corporate world, and others perhaps on the frontline. Thank you for your trust in me, in us... we'll be doing whatever we can to survive this creeping totalitarianism.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well said Brother!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks Brother

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Symptoms include craving bananas and throwing your own shit... Gotta love it!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome, enough news for all of us to cover, so thought this one had your unique investigation skills written all over it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, it is so close I can taste it, and after all the protests and riots over the last 2 years in Europe, I already know the ending, they wrote it, not me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will do my best to protect if/when things get nasty. I won't be getting no Monkey pox vax just like I didn't get the convid Vax. Let's have some fun along life journey.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes brother, enjoy the ride and live fear freeeeeeeeee.......

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

HAHAHA funny!

A splinter could kill you. I've heard one source say that this pox has a 10% fatality rate. Another joke.

I'll take my chances. If I'm gonna die, I wanna go out celebrating life, love, and freedom.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's the way, project fear is boring and it insults my intelligence when "they" want to pretend they have peer reviewed studies for something that never existed until last week, and they take years not days, yet just like event 201 they did a simulation for?????? monkey magic last year

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

haha, we all took the chance after all, and we're still alive. ☺

They can do their plandemic this time round without me... 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do not dare make me join @metoo, damn you did lol. 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hopefully it doesn’t come down to violence
I don’t know much about the new virus but please stay safe guyss

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It will as the virus nonsense is exactly that, nothing more than media fraud.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A year ago i wouldnt have believed they could play the same scam again straight away...but they can, normies are already falling for this monkeyvid shit and they will probably line up for the next death jab...


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The bigger the lie the more that believe it, and with so many willingly playing along, why not rinse and repeat as that is all polis named ticians know?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think they have a problem with animals. Covid was all related to bats, and now monkeys. lol

I wonder what animal will be next victim !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I never took the experimental vax, and I feel fine.

I would say I'm proud of you and anyone never does that. We have so many of them in blurt and that's so great. I'm proud of them all. That's the real power of people. Even if they are not a lot maybe, but still those numbers given to us aren't real. I doubt those will be real !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I would guess they pluck figures from thin air, just make them up to justify over spending, bit like the alleged case numbers, who tests who for something that did nod exist a few days ago, who made said test and where is peer reviewed studies that take months, not seconds, there are none.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeah, I never trusted their charts about anything. Statistics and fact-checkers aren't what we can trust.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ahem, note this for your next podcast, they had a crystal ball just like event 201

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How they like to use those words, like center for disease control, and health emergencies program, like they are caring that much about people. And many abbreviations to look so serious about it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Let me know if this video shows up from this link buddy, it is hillary arse

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, it's working. I'm watching. I have to stop eating banana, maybe. lol Yesterday I told my wife, what if they start infecting banana. Really. We can expect anything from this crazy people.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol true that brother, true that.