Pfizer in a vax-distute problem - Thailand bites back

in life •  last year  (edited)

I was in Thailand when the Thai princess collapsed.

She is still in a coma, and she collapsed 14th 12 2022.
I left after that date, but hey, it was nothing to do with me. (As shaggy sang.)
Now over the last 3 years I have questioned this entire event, episode, call it what you want.
I tried to alert people that "an experimental" alleged vaccine, with no come back to any manufacturer was not a good idea.

Pharmaceutical companies have no liability for their vaccine products. I ask, if they are so "safe" why can you not seek damages in a court of law if you are harmed by them?
There is a special "vaccine court" that they have but it may as well be a kangaroo court.
— robgmedia_216 (@robgmedia_216) January 13, 2021

Well this all changes now, watch the video, the billions Pharma made from these experimental jabs, may now be going out, and rightfully so - to compensate the injured parties, that took them.

I am not anti vax, I just want to know what is in them, and I made my mind up day 1 after knowing about event 201, watching the news presstitutes showing dead bodies on the street in Wuhan, and not seeing them here, it was a hoax!

I also knew about the world bank pandemic bonds in 2017, look it up, I am not the font of all knowledge, my time is precious, and writing on here earns next to nothing anyway.

At least though now, Thailand may open up the floodgates, to make big pharma accountable, and make them pay for their lies and deception.

Make it so Thailand, make it so.

Tomorrow is egg-tastic, my next article is about eggs, the stupidity of it all, oh, and toilet paper.

Have a superb weekend, and Pfizer can - just like Greta, suck MY BALLZ.........

Up Monday......

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