It is hard to note when the satire starts and ends

in life •  last year 


Now you think I am taking the piss right?

Think again, see below.

You could not make this up if you tried.

I was going to do a post about the egg-istential crisis in the USA. $10 for eggs, someone will have egg on their face.

It does seem egg-treme, does it not, $10 for eggs, a box may cost egg-tra too.

I am egg-cited by the government ordering 100's of millions of chickens to be killed, so that people have to suffer egg-conomics caused by the very people they vote for.


But then again these same people have been a scourge upon the planet for 3 years........
So nothing new there is there?

The cookbook though, well who ever thought that up, hat off to you.

Time to have some fun with the lunatics running the asylum, join in any time you see fit.

And have a superb day, by orders of zee fuhrer, Klaus, and his wife lol.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Thankful this is available on Amazon! I didn’t even need to leave my smart city and the delivery man left this in the trunk of my Tesla for safe delivery. Grateful, because my kill-switch was erroneously engaged, so I couldn’t leave the house anyway! Electric cars, amirite? Anyhoo, these recipes really channeled my inner starving child, but the indigestible chitin I baked with gave me a severe case of diarrhea. I rehydrated and spent some time in reflection under the chemtrail sky, and I came to the conclusion that this purchase will not go to waste. I can very easily tear these pages out and use them for kindling when they take my gas stove away, or manufacture the next cold snap. I tried to eat ze bugs, but my bowels just wouldn’t allow it. I gotta say, Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman must have b holes of steel! But I digress… Maybe I can apply for a guest pass and get some cooking tips from the folks at Davos. I wonder if Greta has this book… probably hard to find time to cook in between fake protest photoshoots. Lol, Rothschilds gonna Rothschild! Welp, gotta run to the gym - working on getting that Michelle Obama back! Big Mike in da haus! Alas, today’s workout will not be fueled by bugs…Giving one star for fire-starter perks.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

15 minute city to you, now stop thinking!

  ·  last year  ·  

Eatz zhe bugz ,..
Get a bug .

May Klaus be eaten by his bugs !

  ·  last year  ·  

Zay can eat zee bugs.

  ·  last year  ·  

A Thai cookery episode...

  ·  last year  ·  

LOL hillary arse, Khoasan road was amusing, getting offered scorpions to eat every day lol.