can someone buy him a new outfit?

in life •  last year  (edited)


Always in the green jumper/sweatshirt.

With all the money thrown at the most (possibly) corrupt country in the world, hey, which one is not? You would think he could afford a suit no?

"Ukraine to replace Reznikov amid corruption scandal: Legislator."

"Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. The war with Russia hasn't changed that."

Hey let the guardian speak........

"Welcome to Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe."

I want a new Ducati, but I do not ask tax paying people from other countries to buy it for me.

And here in lies the problem, his military green throw over jumper, the closeness to me to the border, 30 minutes to 50, depends on traffic, and my lack of belief that this is anything but a money laundering scam, stop being so cynical will ya?

I know, come on man feel some compassion care, change the picture on facebook to a Ukraine flag, grow up, and see the need to "care" because the TV said so.............

Well the news has been saying for years how corrupt the Ukraine is, research it.

I find it hard to believe.

That with modern weapons that Russia possess - they could not just take out the one man they say they want to, in green jumper man, that seems able to turn up anywhere he wants - not only him, everyone that is anyone has turned up in Kiev, if you have taken note.


Give me more money!!!!!!!!

Pouring weapons into the Ukraine is like putting petrol on a fire, not helping at all.
The supposed adults that are in government in 2 countries need to talk, 1 being Russia, the other the Ukraine, and people need to stop being killed, but what do I know, I am not a poli named tician........

But I guess phones do not work, but hey, flights seemingly do.
Behind you, that picture screams, green jumper man is all around.......

Once a comedian, always a comedian.

Best meme wins 50 blurt...

Have a superb day..........

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  ·  last year  ·  
  ·  last year  ·  

Like zee furher?

  ·  last year  ·  

Fun detail ,.. Tim K was in Ukraine ,.. fighting communism with the asov crew .

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Nice 1.

  ·  last year  ·  

there is no engagement on blurt in the comments ,. no one cares .
Milking coin is the new way ,.. gimmi gimmi more .
Ai the new god to worship and praise .

I did not comment for the coin ,. keep it m8 .
And you are so wright ,. you said and wrote it all before .
As it seems this world is so very lost .

After seen talks at davos i now know ,. Russia will never take control .
Russia just want's to get rid of many young men living in a hole .

Powering it all down , this chain will go nowhere .
As there is no wise one in control , just fools blinded by gold .

Stay save and find peace my old friend .

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

hehe yeah some gangsta rapper outfit might suit him perfectly, but only with the huge gold kneckledge ;)

  ·  last year  ·  

Bit of bling?

  ·  last year  ·  

hehe yes, you don´t think so ?
Or maybe we should give him Victoria Nuland as Domina aside ;)