A farmers life is dangerous

in life •  2 years ago 


It is all kicking off.

As those that make nothing, produce not a thing but words, lies, broken promises and laws, as them the few with their fake money system push those that make, those that grow, those that produce ever towards the precipice of despair, those the few start getting shot. Japan, start having to resign, UK, start having to worry that yes, the pitch forks are coming for them, home made guns too.

As I watch my fellow productive people namely farmers get angry, it seems apt, as those that make "nothing" only words, only lies it would seem have sealed "their own fate"......

From Sri Lanka to the UK, the walls are coming down.

As a person that only ever talks, gets free food, free expenses, free, free, free shit, why would you want to mess it up with spectacular garbage like green policies and some freak named Greta?

As people wake up to the fact they have been conned by politicians for ever, as the bullets are flying, as the protests that bring countries to it's/their knees, (most of the EU) one can only hope the greedy, needy few named polis take notes, stand back and put themselves back in their place of "servant" not master, because them pitchforks are not only coming, so are the guns, no matter the rules, as proved in Japan.

Tell us again what to do, try it, I dare you, and the result will be the same, a tractor makes food, helps, but is also as good as a tank.

I do not expect this battle to last long, as being hungry for a pig named a free loading politician is not an option is it, filthy greedy pigs the lot of them, free loading tossers.

Health minister anyone?


May the battle be short, and spectacular. Count me in :-)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A short and spectacular battle that we the people win, yes please👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Look to the Netherlands/Dutch, Germans etc, you only piss a farmer off once, and this uprising was 2 years in the making, only takes 10% to say enough, and we have.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The changing zeitgeist IS a coming.....libtards better start choosing who to smooch up to, very wisely...

meme wars - Copy (5).JPG

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, the time is here, looking forward to this battle, you only say once to me you want my land for free, and welcome to the fireworks. Stick a little Greta at the front, I will gladly run her over.
Ruined her future? What future.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very good write up! I have been watching the shit storm in the Netherlands. The are literally dumping and spraying literal shit on the government buildings. 😍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed they are, shitting on shitheads :-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Health minister anyone?

How did an obese cow get the health Minister position?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

She must have sucked cock good, but honestly, who would want that sucking it? https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/fat-health-minister-critics-attack-4435156

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is that thing real or a fat suit?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The people who are productive in the nations are not regarded but those who do nothing go on affluence using public funds. Sri Lanka has set a story for those empty looters in government I'm sure the battle would be shorter. Power belong to the people.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed it does, you have more power than you can imagine, until you try and unlock it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hey, where the fuck are you?!?!?!?its your bday and we are waiting for you with the show . . . .


Love you old fart, Happy birthday!!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Tomorrow chick, you have no idea what I have been doing, been arrested, been let go, all good fun, power to the people. Been country hopping for fun, been called a ring leader, laughable to say the least lol, the few of greed hate people like me, I only need 50 good people, they need fake laws, idiots the lot of them 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fucking hell. . . . Hope you ok.
Well, you are tough, so you will be.

Give us some smoke signals sometimes, or send a pigeon/owl with a letter.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am fine, fuck em, not interested in fake government rules 😂👍😆