The Future of Web3

in liberty •  3 days ago 

by @unklebonehead on Liberty Bytes Podcast
View my bio on The Future of Web3

Brace yourself, this episode is a long one for me. Sorry about that.

The other day @brave-smoke asked me in the Agorise Matrix space:
"Do you think in the future, more people from decentralized platforms like Minds, Nostr etc will give blurt a chance? "

My intial response was long and very wordy. But I never really answered his question. So I go into much more detail in this podcast. But the short answer is yes they will. But the number of people in the Web3 social media space as a whole is not going to grow anytime soon. In fact real Web3 isn't going to be anything like what we were told. The money thats being thrown at it is currently directing all of it to being Web2.5 with no real innovation, just a bunch of copy cats that are tailoring it their favorite tribal tokens. Then they will be taken over by the big tech governments and CBDC crap. This will drive places like Blurt, Nostr, Minds, Hive, Steem, etc into the underground and force them to either adapt to working over networks such as i2p and Tor through either webapps on those networks or desktop/mobile apps.
But they will most likely be driven off of the clear net as they are today. Big tech's X, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc will adapt to the CNDC version of Web2.5 and the vast populace will be fat and happy and will not look for anything better such as Web3.

If you listen to the full podcast episode at the end I also play a new single from my Byte Rebel persona called "Subversion's Iron Grip" that is currently only available on Blurt Media. You can listen to or download it for free at

If you listen really close at the end you will get a tease of the title track of the next Byte Rebel EP "Blood on the Stripes".

If you like what I'm doing you can always throw some Monero at me at this address:

I also will gladly accept Blurt tips and up votes.
While I dont pay attention to Hive really at all and only convert it to Blurt, I will gladly accept any tips you throw at me there too.

Check out today's video..!

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  ·  3 days ago  ·   (edited)

Yes ….. and are growing …. I see new people from Hive and Steemit X Nostr and YouTube coming to Blurt daily.

Hive and Steemit are shrinking and Blurt is Growing.

Especially since the Creation of and other Video Channels created by @kencode at @agorise

I am helping people from X, Steemit, Hive and Nostr, YouTube join Blurt every day.

Yes Blurt is growing and that is what I said.
Out of the 3 (Blurt, Hive and Steem) Blurt is the only one that has growth potential. But it's only drawing people from the other two. Thats a shift in one aspect of Web3. Not growth in the overall space.

  ·  2 days ago  ·   (edited)

Great song.

Trump is working for Russia 100 %

The plan is to destroy the USA and rebuild a new Technocracy like USSR. Commie Police State.

I have helped several people from X and Nostr join Blurt and

They are coming from Everywhere to post on Blurt …

  ·  2 days ago  ·  

Hive is needed for

You can trade Blurt, Hive, Steem, Sports, Meme, Lolz, Pepe, Pob to Litecoin, Dogecoin and trade them to buy Silver and Gold on


Hive is needed for

lol great conclusion

  ·  2 days ago  ·  


Hive is needed for

lol great conclusion

  ·  2 days ago  ·  

And for Blurt Liquidity pools. Just figured that out last week thanks to @ctime

  ·  2 days ago  ·  

Hey Unkle

I didn't log onto element til now, but last night when i came back from work, i saw your video on CG and clicked on it straight away. I listened to the entire thing twice, whilst setting da herb-man free.

Firstly i like to say how nice it is to be able to enjoy a well thought out video response to my question. I really enjoy these video-talks of yours. I hope people listen to this podcast episode because time and again you remind us that web3 is about principles and not the products born out of it. It's a pity that web3 social platforms may never see their heyday again , due to the intrusion of centralized social-platforms into personal lives becoming much more enticing, richly appealing and with restless resolve to blur the lines of the real and the false.

I'm a student of deception, living the life of a magician for 18 years. In the world of Prestidigitation there's a term called "Misdirection", but this is actually a misinterpreted term. The correct nomenclature is "attention control". I used to study Gary Vaynerchuk a lot, reading books of his like "Jab Jab Jab Right Hook" and learning the various ways of manipulating attention/attention control on social media. Through my time in my deceptive-practices i often see the patterns of attention-control being applied to areas of our lives. Every profession (a trade that has prostituted itself for money becomes a profession in my eyes) is a conspiracy against the lay, and nothing is being held back.

I feel that unless there's buffer between the intrusion of mainstream social platforms and the hijacking of people's senses, people will not move onto web3. They will stay on the clear-net, incentive's to be there, finding their context of tribalism there. However nothing is set in stone on this Earth. We may see a change of heart from the masses. Don't bank on it though, as you have pointed out...the hypnosis is strong against the feeble minded masses.

I have some more questions for you since you've touched upon "going underground" (metaphorically speaking???), which hints at parallel communities. What are your thoughts on this matter? How do see this happening? How do you see the decen. social platforms being pushed underground? How do you feel people will cope without being able to conveniently access the clear-net without State permission? Is it possible to use web3 to create our parallel communities?

Alright man the sun's out so i'm gonna kick some pebbles. Ta ta!!!

PS - awesome song, get that goodness out there on the streaming shops. MAKE THEM PAY!!!!!!!

"I feel that unless there's buffer between the intrusion of mainstream social platforms and the hijacking of people's senses, people will not move onto web3" Thats exactly what we are up against in getting people on Web3. Thats a huge thing to overcome. I've talked about it before but never used those words. Those are much more accurate and puts the situation into the fore font of peoples minds.

"I have some more questions for you since you've touched upon "going underground" (metaphorically speaking???), which hints at parallel communities. What are your thoughts on this matter? How do see this happening? How do you see the decen. social platforms being pushed underground? How do you feel people will cope without being able to conveniently access the clear-net without State permission? Is it possible to use web3 to create our parallel communities?"

Thats sounds like another fun episode to come. Lol. Gonna have to do that too.

  ·  2 days ago  ·  

You da man man!

I disagree that Blurt, like Hive or Steem, is “all about tribalism.” I think the main purpose of eliminating downvotes was to create a place friendly to all “tribes”. Thanks to this, people can talk about how great Hive, Steem or other blockchains are and not have to worry about getting a downvote

If it's not about tribalism then Blurt should already be the clear winner, Steem would be a barren wasteland (worse than it already is) and Hive should be closer to collapsing than it is. Tribalism is the only thing keeping Hive alive right now.
As it is Blurt is growing because of a shift from Hive to Blurt.
But when I talk about tribalism towards tokens I am not talking only about Steem, Hive and Blurt. I am talking ALL tokens. Eth, bitcoin, ltc, {insert whatever token you can think of here}. Everybody has their own favorite token. There is nothing wrong with that. But to be so dedicated to one particular token to snub their noses at other tech and stifle innovation because of it is what I am talking about.
Web3 is about more than tokens.

  ·  2 days ago  ·  

I never even heard of Web3 until a few months ago …. Blogging here on Blurt I’m just here to have fun. Create and share.

I don’t believe in Tribalism.

I collect all the coins…. Blurt, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Steem, Pepe, Meme Sports, Lolz, fun, POB, cent, Silver, Gold, Hive, HBD …

The reason I like Blurt is that Bullies can’t steel from the poor. Like is happening every day on Hive and in real life.

Blurt offers a chance for people to create whatever they want and be rewarded and reward others with Blurt Power upvotes.

I was a blogger for 20 years on Blogspot (Google) … earning a few dollars with Adsense … until I discovered Steemit in 2017. I’m very happy to share my photography l artwork, music everywhere. I just create for the sake of creating. It’s better than watching the News. That’s depressing and destroys the brain.