I have no idea what the TV says.
That seems to be where most people get their orders from.
As some of you may or may not know, I took my daughter (10 years old) from the state school system almost 2 years ago now.
To me at least, it turned into a prison for children. Wear a mask, walk 6 feet or 2 meters apart, not allowed out at lunch time, sit in the hallway, not allowed to talk to or sit near a friend, playground banned etc etc.
They even stopped feeding children at lunch time.
The first day of those rules my daughter came back with tears in her eyes, unable to understand it all. So I took her away from the state.
Even though I had taken her away from the school system my wife still got that dreaded text, stay home for 10 days or else.
They did, I did not.
Now back then also they were sending random children texts to say they have to self isolate for 10 days. You know the drill, your child came into contact with someone who tested positive for covid-1984, your entire family needs to stay home.
Public playgrounds were also banned for some months. Ticker taped off.
Well they have started doing it again, my daughters friends who are still attending state schools keep getting told to self isolate but with a twist, now it makes even less sense than it ever did before.
Their family, brothers or sisters, mother and father can still go out, but they can not for 10 days at a time.
No symptoms but that matters not does it.
10 days at home, most spend it, the time on a phone playing games.
The phone is something I am trying to limit my daughter with, because if I left her to her own devices she would have her head in it all day long.

Giving up things.
With this push to stay home came more spare time for parents, teachers, everyone realistically to sit at home, drink more, eat more junk food as they were the only restaurants open, drive though and all.
A treat for a child became a drive through at McDonald's and co.
The price of alcohol also went down, vodka 4 gbp a bottle.
Beers here for the most part are sold in a 4 pack, but I have seen that grow to a 12 pack now.
So I gave up drinking.
We only went to McDonald's once just to see what it was like, blue washing up gloved staff in a mask shipping junk food through a window and all.
I did feel for the staff, it must be hotter than hell with all that gear on in a hot kitchen.
But unlike other bars/restaurants they still got to earn a living.
Also unlike hotels.
The government started buying hotels here at 10% the value, unlike other countries, the UK to name but 1, your debt does not end after 6 years of no payment.
So everyone forced to sell their hotel or house to survive has to pay the debt back or face a bailiff at the door and or police.
Now due to me being from the UK I can tell you from my own experience that if you fail to pay a loan, credit card, mortgage etc the worst you can expect is a county court judgment then after 6 years any debt is wiped from your records.
I have friends in banks that gave me insider information that they sell bad debt after 6 to 12 months of no payment, and they sell it to debt companies for 1 pence in the pound.
A debt company only has to get back anything above that to make a tidy profit.
But like I said, it does not work that way here.
I write about it to save it for history. State what happened on a blockchain. Let others read it a long time down the line to learn from our mistakes.
What we teach our children now determines their future.
Teachers here just like many other countries seem to care not how badly they teach children, or not. Unsure if they did even care now.
I watched 3 years ago teachers go on strike for more money.
Watched them make children miss 4 weeks of education because they wanted more money. They expected them children they let down, sent home for 4 weeks to catch up in the summer holidays, it never happened.
I did not see them standing at the gates demanding children be let back in school last year or this.
Content to sit at home and do bad zoom lessons it seems.
The children missed all exams last year, I expect it will be the same again this year.
Other people seem happy to let the state dictate to them and their children.
That is up to them.
We home school so my daughter aced her exam 100%, now plays musical instruments and knows how to grow food and cook.
Has learned about finance and planning, all things the state school never offered her.
I do think it starts with self, change, so I am, we are. Hope more do the same.
All the time I have today sorry.
Have a superb sunny day.
The craziness just keeps coming at us.
I think you have it worse over there bud.
Yes we sure do😵
The Israelis have it worse, no vax pass no food so they all got double jabbed, vax pass was cancelled if they did not take the booster. So one of them tells me.
Yes I have heard the same thing.
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