Poland v Thailand my own experience.

in libertarian •  3 years ago 

This one is for @rycharde


It was 1999 the first time I went to Thailand.

I went for 18 days the first time and instantly fell in love with the place, the heat, the ladies. Having arrived from the UK it was not hard to fall in love with a place like that, rain, more rain and summers that last as long as an instantly forgotten memory.

The latter was the UK.


That was where I went.

I had some friends from Birmingham there, Pattaya.

The first night was amazing, I hooked up with two guys I had never met before, they were from Birmingham.
One had hired an open top jeep.
We went as they say on the town.

Bar after bar, lady after lady with her hands down my pants, tongue down my throat, how could you not fall in love with that?

I went broke in Thailand a few times, (not to be confused with woke) easy to do when it is a money drain, everyone there wants it, your money. From officials to girls, their extended family, yes everyone wants a bit. I tend to think they think we have some sort of money tree, farangs, people from abroad.

So it was 10 years.
At times bliss, at times so broke I could not even buy a bottle of water.
It was a good ride for a young man though.

I spent months working in the UK, all the time thinking about saving money to go back to Thailand.

And then it happened, I got what they call Pattired, I got sick of being in Thailand, it happens to the best of us.

So I left.

I still have friends over there, some still like it, some can never leave because of the things they have done, some are so used to it they do not know any better now.

Each to their own.

I guess if I added up the cost of living in Thailand it would run into the 100,s of thousands of $ or GBP.

From what I am told, streets like the famous walking street are dead. The bustle is gone, the hustle too.


The same as me, gone from there.


The difference between there and Poland?

Well there is a lot.
4 seasons for a start. No young ladies wanting all my money, friendly people for the most part.
Easy to get a stay here without having to pay immigration every 30 days or 60 days, no having to go to Cambodia on visa runs every 6 weeks.

In Poland I would estimate I have made $200,000 to 300,000 in 7 years, in Thailand I would have spent the same.

There are some expats here as people like to call them, but my wife is Polish, my daughter speaks English and Polish too, with some Spanish mixed in between.

I tend to shy away from expats and mix in with the locals.

I did the same in Singapore, Thailand, Bali too, you only get to see how they live and what they do if you stay off the tourist trail.

Thailand was a blast, it was fun, but it took it's toll.

Poland treats me better, almost ignores me, but I like it like that.
I like being left alone to my own devices. Thailand always wanted more from me.


Poland makes me more creative.

In Thailand there is a sense of spend, spend, spend.
Here there is a sense of be creative.

Since being here I have learned to grow food, farm, do woodwork, something I never liked before.

Make things, make bikes, make a family.

I have nothing to say about Poland but good things, because it has treated me so well. Can not say a bad word about a good place, but then again it has not drained me for resources.

It has also not gone down the authoritarian dick-tate route.

So I guess I chose the best place to be, for now.

Have a superb day, live life and enjoy it.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hope Poland continues to be a good place to be.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers bro, it treats me well, for now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If I was on my own, I probably would have left some years ago; but have a wonderful kid, so the plan was to stay a few more years. Then came the plandemic. The issue with moving now is the ability to even travel without being gene-jabbed. The school has turned into a prison - home ed starts now :-)

It has been interesting, but I feel this is a place without much history or culture - just more shopping malls, heat and mud. I also figured early on that the adult entz industry was really a local affair - they just think farangs have larger wallets, but often not true, plus Thai men know the game.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You in Thailand bud?
I feel you with regards the child.
School here turned like that so I pulled my daughter out day 1.
No way I want her to be conditioned to accept tyranny, not a chance.
The Thais know how to extract money from us from abroad, seen the book they have, read it, was dying with laughter, it was when I owned a bar in Pattaya, how to extract cash from your buffalo.
Mr my brother have motorbike accident, please send money, Mr the family cow is dead please send money, blah, blah, blah, seen it all over there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This year has been maybe 80% online school, so no great concerns. The screws of tyranny start now. I have always taught my own kid - I can teach almost everything (apart from Thai and Chinese. lol) and is much faster and more interesting. I may also start posting on home ed - I see too much just aping school - wtf is the point of that!?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"I may also start posting on home ed - I see too much just aping school - wtf is the point of that!?"

No idea, but since I pulled my daughter from school 20 months ago she now understands money, how to grow food, how to play a musical instrument, how to read and write we taught her pre school too.

The state system has fuck all to offer now, they can keep their fear based pornography or what ever it is called.

If ever you make it over this way, got a few beers and a meal or two with your name on them, courtesy of me, no strings attached, no charge.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers mate!
Even private ed has gone full woketard! Luckily I opened her eyes many years ago, so isn't "dad going crazy" shit. I've explained in detail how this was coming - had her help out on the research sometimes. I was also a teacher so this isn't even hard work.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Her extended family are largely farmers - the poor suckers who got "real jobs" have suffered horrible toxicity - so we spent a few days with chickens, ducks, cows, and learning how crops are harvested and when.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think that is a place we all need to be, a place where we know how to do things, grow things, heal without them, we all know who the them are, the leaches, enough of them and their system with symbols, one eye, silly pyramids. Yep enough of them and that 1 square mile they call London city.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

But people think it's so cool to have one eye.