Shackled minds - hypocritical war - Ukraine

in liars •  2 years ago 


As I watch it, them, the emotional out-pour for the Ukraine.

Cry me a river I say, the war is 50 minutes from my door, you do not see me with a bleeding heart, nor a cap in hand.

Why does everyone all of a sudden give a shit about the Ukraine? Because the media says so?
That country has been as corrupt as you like for decades, ask Hunter Biden.
I feel no sympathy towards Russia, they will get what they deserve for what they do now, I have no sympathy for any government, people on the other hand - I do.

But serious question to the virtue signalers, there is a war in Yemen that has been going on for years, yes years, why did you not care about that? Iraq? Afghanistan? Is this it now, we give a shit based on a corrupt media of presstitute whores?

While some of us are left to pick up the bits, the pieces of a war torn world, ask yourself if you virtue-d your way through life, just saying the right thing at the right time to enrich "self" !!!!!!!

People are now calling people racist for giving a shit about the Ukraine and not Yemen, but they are not thinking about a bigger picture, people are being told to care, why are they not being told to care about Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan? Who are those that are telling them what to think and about whom? The presstitutes, that is who.

@antisocialist sent me this years ago, never a truer word said.
It went along the lines of "I am a rich mans whore, I write what he wants, if I put my own opinion down instead I would be out of a job in seconds, and living on the street" and that speech was around 1918, nothing has changed.

If you give a shit about the Ukraine, give a shit about the rest, or you are just saying a "cool thing" at a "cool time" and not being genuine.

Have a superb day all the same, and keep it real.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right, if anyone has the inclination to read the lit of 100 years ago - we are back there again!! tedious, isn't it!? human progress? gimme a fkin break!

Exactly the same misdirected fear, censorship, brutality, false flags - and that was just the 1920s - we're not even at WWII yet.

Being emotional is not about caring, it's about being triggered, and that's another part of the psyops - look around at advertising - those images that look like they are in pain (!!) except we're supposed to think they are enjoying it.

Being clam is also not about being cold and unemotional, it is about perceiving that state and then having an appropriate reaction - that is not being triggered, it is about being perceptive.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is like a playbook is it not, scripted, use the same tactics over and over again because it worked once.
Doing the same thing over and over that did not work the first time is just stupid, but people seemingly still vote for idiots that print money backed by nothing, worth nothing that devalues every single day.
Beam me up Scottie, this rock stinks.
Do you think Elon would give me a 1 way ticket to the moon or Mars?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think Elon should take a scouting trip ;-)

A lot of animals are like that - play the same trick and they keep falling for it!
very limited set of routines.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very limited indeed, but I repeat if I must, beam me up Scottie, this place is simply fucked.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I thought that when I was 7 years old :-(
I feel like I was sold a holiday only to find the hotel hasn't been built yet ;-)
Maybe I'm supposed to build it - but I just came to have a look.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

If you give a shit about the Ukraine, give a shit about the rest, or you are just saying a "cool thing" at a "cool time" and not being genuine.

And if you give a shit today, give a shit a year from now! When this war moves to the background as a result of the next news cycle, with its next crisis point to focus on, let's see if the world continues to care about the Ukrainian people. How many Americans protested the Iraq war, and when the smoked cleared, went back to watching their idiot reality shows.

It is the Ukrainian people who should be saying to this world of hypocritical cheerleaders with their yellow and blue pompoms, "Where the fuck have you been all these years?! Why are you suddenly giving a fuck about us now? And will you give a fuck about us tomorrow?"

The Ukrainian people should look carefully at those who are rooting for them, and ask, "Are not these the same people who cried for the Palestinians, Syrians, Libyans, Yugoslavians, Iraqis, Afghanis... who lamented the apartheid state of South Africa? Are these people sending aide to these populations?" NO! So my dear Ukrainian sisters and brothers, when the smoke clears, and you are no longer useful, you will see your seemingly devout cheerleaders change pompoms and be off to the next match!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

100% bang on the money bro.

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