Unfortunately It’s Happening Just As We Thought….

in leofinance •  2 years ago  (edited)


Blurt looking best outta the rest!


10 year bond leads Nasdaq , leads bitcoin, leads crypto space. .70 has broken on Hive after we held well at .70 the past 2 attempts. Hold on and be ready to buy lower from here. Today will not be the bottom. I will be buying heavy in .50’s
Which I think is likely.



33K broken and 30K almost definitely will as we are still not near end of this now bear market. 28K area is what I’ve been looking at.


The 12K target on downside On Nasdaq will break today. Next stop 11K most likely. This isn’t a correction. It’s what I said 2022 would be, a bear market. It’s here guys…..

And now the 12K call has broken! Unfortunately I was right. $10,500 area here we come


last minute gotta run. Will discuss more later 👍

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I didn’t sell so nothing to buy 🤣🤣

If you can ride this out great. If you can buy more...better. But not HIVE! hahahaha

Or better yet, load up on hive at 20 cents and join the whale wars! lol I'll watch from the sidelines.

Man, crypto having a hard time these days😬