LIVING WITH THE LAW: Respect and obey the rules

in law •  3 years ago 


As adult humans, we must learn to obey the legal rules that have been agreed upon in a society, no matter what society it is. In a society that is Islamic, the rules are revealed. However, in other societies, the rules are formed over certain periods over a long period of time.

This is intended to form and realize the best and integrated rules, which can be accepted and satisfy all levels of society. For some people, it will be one eye to certain laws that apply outside the scope of their life. They feel that the law they have is the best. This is a tough stance on togetherness. That is, they have violated the values ​​of justice, truth, hard work and cooperation in any society.

The law is always available and applies to everyone, regardless of creed, color, ethnicity or nationality. No one escapes the reach of the law, no matter how high their position and influence in society, even the law maker will be subject to the authority of the law. Vice versa, no one should be excluded from the protection of the law, whether poor, simple, or unimportant.

Islam has always advocated justice in particular and insisted that the law be enforced. Nor should the law be a secret that would arouse suspicion. A good society is one that always stands up to abuse and exploitation, wherever it is found.

If you consider yourself to be an idealistic human figure, then you have to be serious about the law. You also have to know, every prohibition involving the law always has a specific purpose and impact. If you violate these rules, you will receive legal sanctions. Fighting the law doesn't have to be from big things, it can start from the small things you do.

Like breaking traffic signs, from there you begin to hate the police or law enforcement, instilling in yourself that they are enemies that you must stay away from. But in fact, maybe you will need your enemy as a savior someday which you can't deny.

No matter how small your disobedience is, it's still against the law. Sometimes you feel that they are finding fault with you. You don't realize once you break the law, you will still be listed as a violator. Sometimes you feel disappointed and unlucky when you are caught in legal charges, while some other people escape the law, this is a mistake.

Because if you also escape the law for the wrong you did, it means you will forever be a rebel. If you break the law, you don't have to be afraid, you don't have to run, you're not alone, there are still many who break the law, and you have to be prepared to accept the consequences.

You may feel like you can't handle it, but actually you can. If you can only do violations, let alone obey the rules.

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