Spirit and Sandals Day In San Diego

in laodicea •  last year  (edited)

I tell you many prophets and kings have yearned to see and hear some things.

Luk 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him.

People tell me you can't KNOW God.

These same people do not know The Word.

They aren't supposed to.

It is time for the elect to realize the Father does the electing and we have work to do for Him that the lukewarm are slowing not stopping.

How would the Son reveal the Father to His servants? Hmmmm. I wonder...?

If only He would have left us some sort of revelatory prophecy to show us what is to come to pass shortly.

Anyway. Seal training on the beach for those who hear.

Not today tho.

Looks like today will be a rulers and authorities day.

We brought the Quantum Entanglement to Nathan Fletcher last year.

Turned into quite the car wreck for Fletch.

Somebody called for the Holy Spirit and cleansing.

The Sons of Thunder are force multiplying again.

Pray for the enemies of the children of God in San Diego.

I surf earthquakes and feel His love for angels. 🧸

Break the gates, Father. The ones in front of me and those you have given me.

Rod of Jesse.png

The Stone that stumbles and the Truth that ripens.

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Historic desk for this ready writer.


Some peanut butter to last a couple of days.

Today's Solar System News... 🖖

Fly brother Fly... 🖖

No more beating up of camera crews.


Pretty epic day Brother : )
Keep HOPE alive!

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Finding Angels.

You guys ready for the coming feast?


Face Time

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Father keeps giving

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Peanut butter and jelly

is a super food 🥓

Herod. The worms crawl in the worms crawl out…


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Worms. Work the Soil. All day and all night ... Without pay, 🤬

Yet the early bird still gets em 🥓

Fear is just the beginning of it



Always something there to remind me.


Message delivered. Thank you, Father.

The guards heard of the furnace.


The rulers and authorities got the ‘quantum entanglement.’



Or relent.


Bored games.


Board games.



Unholy spaces.
