Me And My Me And My Me And My Me And My Me And My Friends

in laodicea •  11 months ago  (edited)

My friends are so depressed
I fear the question of your loneliness
Confide, 'cause I'll be on your side

I heard a little girl
And what she said was something beautiful
To give your love no matter what
Is what she said

This is gonna get a bit twisty-turvy and if you get the link from me direct then consider it a Danger Room protocol you will survive measurement of.

As with all other dojo-style simulation programs our online curriculum is interactive.

Text Magneto direct at 224-250-6669 for coaching not for profit or reward.

Parlor Trick Time!

I have had many signs and wonders with many along the way.

XRP was one my intelligence community friends gave me long ago.


I have been telling people the 'get XRP and a paper wallet' advice in person for a month now.

I also despise Facebook (Lifelog) and the hypocrisy required to be a propagandist there.

What I do know about my XRP sign and wonder is it has showered a few who had faith in me along the way with some blessings.

I am not much for the prediction fulfillment model of prophecy but I do appreciate it catching the eye of our flocks as promised years ago.

The same prophets who were given this comm years ago are still green lighting the coin and the paper wallet part is also important.


Of course that was years ago during my early visits to the House(S) of @frankbacon.


That was back when I was telling everybody I knew that they should buy XRP.

When it was $.07 a coin.

I am no financial advisor but I do know when I can borrow discernment from discerned friends.

This will likely be my good-bye to Facebook.

If I have coached you to let the potsherds strive with themselves?

It is again green light time.

Gonna throw a few more 'told you so's!' down that involve riches far more important than any crypto wealth this Lifelog effort could ever generate.

This morning I had the privilege...



Sensei himself dropped over with his own I told you so!

In person.

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And THAT happened!

I appreciate the live-time force demonstrationn and the again dropped jaw.

Gathering and scattering, indeed!

Just because signs and wonders aren't for me doesn't mean I don't thoroughly enjoy when they are recognized in my humble sight.

Not the only key turned in today's meeting of mechanics.

More to come on this acceleration in tempo and volume no doubt.

Like two sweet peas in an even sweeter pod
That's my friend and my friend's named _____
Like the devil knows hell I know _____ well
Well enough to tell you 'bout his '67 smells
Well enough to tell you he's a hell-a-swell fellow
Well enough to tell you that we know each other better
Than we know our selves like freaks of a feather
We rock together I know ______well
But I think he knows me better

Back to some I told you so action but not without a request for prayer for old friend QAnon John.

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While I am still available for John at any time at my phone number 224-250-6669 we have yet to discuss the warnings I tried to give him two years ago.

Of course as @frankbacon and I discussed early today and often...


Generals Gathered In Their Masses

(Clearly I never promised @frankbacon not to post screenshots like I did @ar17.)

We were all following that Hero at one time or another.

If you haven't been wrong some you haven't been trying at all.

That donation fund in 2018 tho!

So that's another told you so that QAnon John was restricted from discussing with me years ago.

A few of us tried to get John and @AR17 in contact back in the day.

I have yet to succeed in my getting @ar17 and @frankbacon in a room to answer some Q+uestions.

As the evolving and accelerating ears to hear principles of gathering and scattering rolls on it is clear the warnings from many are no longer enforced optimism.

Accelerations, The Apokalupsis AND Austin Steinbart

I have been telling you that @AR17 has been telling you that America is being set-up.

So a 'we told you' so I can assert.

Of course if you read @frankbacon's book you would already know why we yet again today discussed the three spider-man meme.

Benjamin Franklin Bacon - THE CRYPTONOMICON - A Cryptographic Novel

Of course, reading @frankbacon's book is what got me into this Mess-age in the first place.

I not only warned John of what he is now allowed to sound alarm about, I warned everybody.

Speaking of tree watching being wrongbefore being right...

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I hold tactical receipts on who and when behind the scenes She scooped me again back then.

Now it is Her told you so. Not her first by far.

Either way today there is no Imaginingthere is a Jesus-GEOTUS.

Lots of people talking about standing with Israel.

My friends are fierce in protecting people and not labels.

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While this was initiated as an 'Bacon' piece and crashed by the werewolf himself I do also have to shout out the man who has had the courage to stand side-by-side with a number of us being FUCKED with by the FBI.)

I hope those lower level enemies continue to wonder 'why these orders from above?' for now.

If not that will be fun too.

Do you really think years of coordinated efforts to find some good guys to cross the lines haven't paid off?

With everything ears to hear and the carpenters and mechanics trusting each other in a manner some call 'quantum' while others just call it 'He who is in us.'

Some of my ole fashioned me and my friends just beholding a propangandist ditching yet another tool of the enemy on the battlefield.

It isn't just because it is hypocritical, which is Death in my Great Game...

It is no longer tactically necessary.

Social media is Swine's Flesh and I was born in the dark.

The fire rises.

Most of my I tell you so's are unpleasant but I always remind I have the Peace for the children who believe in The Word.

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9/11 Twenty Years Later: The Beginning Of Birth Pains

Did the news in the state of Israel shock you?

Will the coming mass migration to America surprise you?

Which population will it be rescued in the name of peace?

Will your shepherd be surprised along with you?

Or will he have already told you?

I said this was going to be a Bacon piece and a goodbye to Facebook.

As my second stochastic bout on Lifelog ends with some called shots I wonder if the FBI included those old Facebook links we discussed in my frst interview. Plenty of prophets plans discussed during that sadly smokeless session.

I bet that 302 gonna scare more than the agents reading it someday.

I also will ask my Father to bring some of those familiar faces along for the Exodus.

Stay with us, ears to hear.

It is time to discuss not only how @frankbacon made me do itbut some of the many good reasons why.

@Frankbacon believes getting a blockchain account will save your soul.

I do not argue with one who has told me the future with acuracy for many years.

I will, in saying good bye to the familiar faces of Facebook, remind any reader that @frankbacon putting me on blockchain saved my life long enough for me to save my soul.

He told me so and I remind you.


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These boxes are custom made and would last a child their lifetime.

I know the artist and a lot of children with super hero dreams.

224-250-6669 for referral or anything at all. (Text identity before calling please)

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A box and a Doxx

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Dog Comm Tags.
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