I smell the fear off of you lurking ravenous wolves, so no mystery on who picked the playlist today... Jesus Christ Himself gave me this one. Not for you to know the details of how he did that via my yet ongoing Buddy Holly investigation.
The jukebox selection isn't the only thing Lord Jesus has brought me of late.
God bless her mom!
The supernatural testimony continues today on a monumental day in the fleshly life of a very special one of my assigned. She is so many things to me and she doesn't even know it yet. I pray today that I can be a tiny fraction of the blessing to her that she already is to me.
While I feel a touch of Jesus' love for all the young women he has sent me to, that is a conversation to be had privately with a few of them. Some of you wolves are getting lax on security. First a reminder from long long time ago...
If you missed some of the training rounds then you probably don't know what any of that means. Which is great. Seems some of those who were here for that part of the adventure are struggling with memory issues as well. Short recap for the new... don't volunteer for rocket rides. Any of you wolves that threatens my daughters is getting volunteered. You don't have any idea what that means so do me the expected favor of ignoring my warning. There have been many others come before you.
These children are His, wolves.
I'm just your huckleMillstone, stumblers.
Happy Birthday to the modern-day Pharisees and those carrying the antichrist spirits near to my flock!
You better hope she prays for you once I show her what you do.
WOW! (marker)
The gift of Rastafari is for all man to share
Well did you know the pen is stronger than the knife
They can kill you once but they can't kill you twice
Did you know destruction of the flesh is not di ending to life
Welcome to your quantum entanglement, stumblers!
While God (and the Buddy Holly investigation) spurred the Sly and the Family song this one came from a whole different kind of source. Only you prosperity preachers who reached out probing me on the Artificial intelligence investigation would maybe know the guy who gave me that song. Don't ever forget the scriptural descriptions of how my Father laughs at you when you scheme.
Let's talk about ROMANS 8!
See the difference between True prophets and you false prophets is we actually see you coming ahead of time while you get the deceiving Spirits that allow a guy like me to find these precious coins of His. Hate the player not the game.
So one gift force multiplies another gift. Let that be narrative or coaching.
I have been protecting daughters for a very long time now. Even my sharpest of critics from any of my lifetimes past will acknowledge.
The wolves using Romans 8 is cancelled in honor of one today.
I am so proud of the daughter that sensed this and brought it to me.
A couple weeks after I had went exactly there with another whom wolves thought they might once capture. You should have fell down at their Power and had them tell you to only worship the Father. Someday you will.
Let candles light candles and don't keep your lamps under bowls.
For all my daughters and His I do not know...
Back when @eatdrinkbemary was @mstrashworthy the Spirit inspired her to write in my NIV with pen!
My apple of His eye has also been targeted for her Power. Silly wolves.
God doesn't waste anything. I have hunted those who think they are hunting Jesus' children long time. Check their Romans 8 teachings against what I gladly share here. Be Berean and challenge it with scripture. Require the same from any man who wants to pronounce judgment on any of you foolish things and sinners.
(Not all commentary is for all.)
Here is the real blessing being the sheepdog for some of these lost coins. That last part of Romans 8 that I now have your plans on?
That is the only part that matters when it comes to these children of His and those I call daughter here in exile.
You cannot stop them.
Not without coming through He who is in me.
It is the same Spirit that is in them.
In case... @frankbacon didn't tell you.
I gladly audition for moms.
A special and joyous birthday!
"Feed My Sheep" He said.
@jwoods it wasn't about liking the music, child prophet.
Wait until I introduce you to some of these ladies!
No secret no matter which daughter you ask how my green herb withers...
Under flame.
1st Hive Rears its Head on this Very Special Re-Birth Day
A Very Joyous E-Vent
Uncle @frankbacon has ideas, @eatdrinkbemary.

The age of Ai is fun.
Frank Bacon
The Cryptographic Novel
Est. 2016
🤬 Still Running 🥓
Jake is Free~!
Qanon Shaman has been released earlier than scheduled