Asking. Knowing. Holding.

in laodicea •  last year  (edited)

Father, extend that hedge of protection around this one as she and I have discussed.



Please free this bird from her snares.

Let her foulers’ schemes collapse upon them.

Serpent cult psychotherapy and psychotherapy Jesus.

Demons haven’t changed since He walked the earth.

Spirit suppression drugs and targeting of Spirit.

Free yourselves, Daughters.


If you haven’t figured out what @frankbacon is up to in RR then you should tread lightly around this Prophet’s Beach.

Soon It will be Mission.

Coastal COSTA.


If it be Your will, Father, let this one be a force demonstration for the ravenous.

Keep her under Your wing until she can abide near me in my secret place.

I love you. Until we are reunited.

Along with the others you have given me.


I pray for all of their Peace today.

Especially those who witnessed your grace with me.

Let it be your Grace for those who seek to stumble these children or let it be your Wrath.

The hedge of protection is a promise.

It is written.

I knew the Queen of Sheba was gonna understand.

She loved David’s son Solomon.

Wisdom is Beauty.


Their Peace is Powerful.

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When the time is right.

Come to me.