
in ladooo •  2 years ago 


Even before winter, winter accessories and hundreds of items are starting to appear in hundreds, including dried fruits, peanuts, guava and sesame seeds. On cold winter nights, when you want to sit in a quilt and enjoy some local food like gajag, peetha and sesame laddu, it seems that winter has really come. It is a well-known fact that sesame is a superfood that contains countless healthy ingredients that can improve your overall health. Gar itself, on the other hand, is a dessert in which a variety of vitamins and minerals play a key role in making it healthier. Whether it is a child or a big sesame fight, they enjoy it very much. Winters feel incomplete without sesame seeds, so it is important to include them in your diet to enjoy the cool breeze.
Made using sesame and jaggery, it is not only a tasty food but also a sweet dish to enhance health and protect the body from the effects of cold air and cold. It is very important to make them a part of the diet in winter. Know the benefits of including winter sesame seeds in the diet.

The substandard lifestyle that the majority of the world is living is leading to the fear of many other diseases, including heart disease. Such as not eating on time, consuming junk food and lack of physical activity can affect heart health. Consumption of junk food increases LDL in the body which causes narrowing in the arteries. Sesame seeds are full of insoluble fats which reduce cholesterol levels in the body and provide protection against heart disease. Do However, if you are diabetic, consult your doctor before using them as it may increase the level of sugar in it.

Eating a high-fat diet can increase the risk of constipation, although indigestion and other stomach problems can be caused by something else, but the best solution is to eat foods that help your intestines. Could be activated. Sesame seeds are the best example of this. It is rich in fiber which increases the efficiency of the intestines and at the same time lowers cholesterol.

Nature has endowed some people with beautiful and flawless skin. They do not have to work hard to protect it but there is a class which has to deal with many skin problems and has to make many efforts for it. The most important role is played by food, all others are secondary. Iron-rich foods can help reduce the amount of blood in the body and increase its flow, which in turn makes the skin glow and at the same time relieves acne and acne. Helps in the growth of red blood cells and also eliminates iron deficiency in the body.

Bones help to protect all the organs of the body and maintain the structure of the body. You will not be able to enjoy it. Since sesame is an excellent source of calcium, these sweet balls made of sesame will give you plenty of calcium, especially in women. Its use is considered to be the best.

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