Her husband leaves her after 5 days of paralysis. A rugby player gives her life back...

in krsuccess •  10 months ago 

5 days after the wife became paralyzed, the husband filed a divorce case against her. - Then a rugby coach took a surprising turn in her love story ..
After suffering a massive stroke in March 2015 that left her paralyzed from the waist down, Riona Kelly never expected to be happy again.
Five days after the stroke, while she was still in her hospital bed, Riona's husband, Richard, told her that their marriage of 14 years was over and that he wanted a divorce after learning that his wife would never use her legs again.

"After he asked me for a divorce, I was completely alone," says Riona.
Riona admits that her husband considered leaving her when doctors told her that recovery would take years, not months. "I knew I had to be a strength for my children," she said. It was the only motivation she had to overcome herself.
"The first time I got out of the wheelchair, when I thought everyone was looking at me, I hated it. If I was given a choice, I would end my life, I don't want to live anymore."
In January 2016, Riona posted on Facebook that she met Keith Mason, a rugby player who could help her regain strength...
The rugger helped Riona learn to walk again on her own, and the two's meeting led to a new relationship.
Riona said she was shocked that a "rugby player" wanted to date a "disabled woman" like herself.
But Keith says that Riona's life is given new inspiration. He encourages her everyday and helps her to understand her pain and to win.
"We've been together for 11 months now, the kids really like him and I feel like I'm finally living the life I deserve."
In addition to Riona's four children, Keith also has a 5-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.
After her stroke, Riona says, life felt like it was over. But looking back now, that was just the beginning. After her first TV commercial with Variety, she found love and a new passion.

She has completed two marathons with the help of her wheelchair, which she now uses only for long distances.

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