I have been thinking of writing something about this little one for a long time.

in krsuccess •  last year 

In these days when Sri Lanka is talking about Ishalini's death, I thought it would be good to write something about Iqbal.
Iqbal was born in the year 1982 or 1983 in a poor village called Muridke in the Punjab region of Pakistan.
Like in Pakistan, the majority of this village belongs to the Muslim religion, but both Iqbal's parents are Christians.
The people of the village considered these people to be very poor and of a low caste. Iqbal's father goes into debt to solve family problems.
Iqbal's father borrowed six hundred Pakistani rupees from a dealer in the village who makes carpets and rugs, but there is no way to pay it.

This seller also suggests
"If you can't pay the debt, send your son to make the carpet until the debt is paid." "I will cut the salary he wants to pay to pay the debt."
The little one's father has no choice but to agree to this proposal.
This little one is four years old now.
Every morning at four in the morning, this little boy goes seven or eight miles along the dark roads to work to pay off the family debt.
They come back home after sunset in the dark.
There are 30 children in this Amanusa workshop who live more miserable lives than Iqbal. Many of them are shackled and tied to their legs to prevent them from escaping.
Do not think that this is a fabricated story. Even today there are places like this in Pakistani and Indian villages.
Iqbal, having gained strength, goes to work every day. Weeks and months are not 6 years.
But according to the merchant's calculation, this debt is not even close to being paid.
It is here that this little one understands that there is no escape from this cunning merchant for the rest of his life.
This little guy is very smart.
He loves to learn to read and write from the people around him.
Iqbal, who used to read the pieces of newspapers that come with the goods, understands that "bonded loans" are prohibited by law.
That's why this little guy escapes from this slave camp after collecting all the money he has.
Instead of going to a distant village, Iqbal goes to the police in Lahore.
Go and complain about this slave camp.
He doesn't want to escape, but to save the little ones who are chained in the slave camp.
There is nothing to ask about policies in South Asia. I thought it was right... The police are taking Iqbal and handing him back to the carpet factory. Life becomes more difficult than it was. Punishment for lack of work.. There is no end to insults.
But having learned a lesson about the police from the first escape, Iqbal Masi plans his second escape better. Instead of escaping the second time and going to a distant village, Masi manages to go to the house of a lawyer who fights for children's rights.
This time, his hard work will get real results. Masi is sent to a special school through a non-governmental organization that advocates for lama rights in Lahore.
This special course of four years is completed by this little one in two years. With that excellent pass.
His only goal is to become a lawyer who advocates for children's rights.
Iqbal is able to free not only the children of the factory where he worked, but also the children who worked in the slave camps in the province of Punjab.
This little one, who is a gifted orator, gives speeches on the local radio station against the use of small children as slave labor.
This... television is the latest to come to the small villages of Pakistan.
Addressing the whole of Pakistan on television, Iqbal informs the big people not to send the little ones into slavery.
These wonderful stories are also known in other countries. Through the non-governmental organization that helped him study, he receives an invitation to visit Sweden.
When Iqbal told his story in front of dozens of Swedish children, the announcer who translated the story cried. This story is famous all over Europe and America.
That's why Iqbal gets an invitation from the United States of America.
Even though Iqbal had the opportunity to learn more through those trips, he said, "No, I have to go back to Lahore. "I can't leave thousands of little ones like me who are stuck waiting for my help."
In 1994, Iqbal received the Reebook Human Rights Award in Boston, USA.
Iqbal's speech at this event is still world famous.
“I am just one of the suffering Pakistani children. Even as I speak, millions of children are being forced to work in factories. At this very moment, little girls are working in the kitchen.
I got lucky through courage, but I can't forget others who are suffering.
Through the Bonded Labor Liberational Fund that helped me, I dedicate all my energy to free the suffering children from slavery.
Abraham Lincoln set you free.. you are free.. I am also free.. but let us work together to free the little people who are trapped in the shackles of slavery.”
This is just a small part of Iqbal's story.
After this, this little guy speaks at several other human rights conferences. The reception received in all those places is very high.

Iqbal, who came back to Pakistan, started studying law before he was thirteen years old. At the same time, they continue to work to save children who were forced into slavery.
At this time, Iqbal was able to free more than four thousand children from slavery and enroll them in schools.
On the day of April 1995, this little boy was riding a bicycle with a group of friends from his village to visit a relative.
A shot of a carpet mafia monster

#krsuccess #geekpranee #srilanka #little #death #writing #thinking #kill

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