RE: Steem 파실분?

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Steem 파실분?

in kr •  2 years ago 

I know...
I couldn't transfer & sell my SBD when it was $5~$7 because Bittrex blocked SBD & Steem wallet.
It's been a few months since they blocked them.
I have no idea what's going on with Bittrex. I heard that a massive amount of Steem was transferred to
Binance from Bittrex a few days ago.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was also only relying on Bittrex for selling SBDs, now I just have to sell them in the steem's internal market for steem token.

I am not sure if Poloniex accepts SBDs, if yes then maybe I can transfer there as my second option.