안녕하세요! 새로운 하이브 한국커뮤니티가 생겨서 소식을 전합니다.
하이브에서 활동하시는 한국분들과 소통하고자 하고 침체된 한국커뮤니티를 활성화 하고자 하는 목적이오니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
Today, I set up a new Korean community named 'Korean Hive Village'.
It seems there's only a few Korean Hivers, and I am trying to make a more active community with them. Also, I assumed that the community might drag more new HIVE joiners.
I downloaded a mobile app for making fun logo (temp) and just uploaded. lol Hope things go all right. :)
Yes. We are all HIVEpreneur and this is our one of superpowers.