in kiwi •  2 years ago  (edited)

I never look at any New Zealand "news" (the government propaganda), so I have no idea what lies the sheeple are being told. People overseas often ask me how things are here, or post stories about the fascist NZ government.


Starting with the bad stuff

Things are certainly not great but it's not as bad as a lot of the overseas fudporn stories tend to make out. This is what I am seeing myself:

There are an unusual amount of ambulances going past with sirens on - and cop cars are doing the same pretty regularly as well. That was unusual two years ago, but now on a bad day it's about one siren an hour, and that's on a suburban street.

Sales from our own business are down by about 40%, and all our costs are up more than 25% from two years ago. There is high inflation and many people are short of cash. The NZ dollar has lost value against the US dollar.

We use couriers a lot and are having ongoing problems with parcels not being delivered - we have been told that half the couriers are off sick so they can't keep up.

There are huge amounts of people off work sick in all fields. Bus drivers are particularly scarce (that is also because of poor work conditions) and here in Wellington, 85 bus routes have been "temporarily" cut this month. That has caused traffic jams despite more people working from home. I stopped using buses about 18 months ago because they became totally unreliable and some of the drivers are mask Nazis which can lead to stress. I used to just sit down and ignore them if they told me to get off, but I'm not Rosa Parks, and I can't be arsed with all the bullshit.

There has been almost constant chemtrail spraying all year until the windy season started about a month ago. For the past six months or so it has been raining almost every day, and any day it wasn't raining there were chemtrail lines in the sky. Most people refuse to even see them.


The constant rain has lead to slips rather than floods in hilly Wellington and there are hundreds of slips endangering roads and houses. The houses on both sides of us need a huge amount of expensive retaining work done. Nobody is doing any of this retaining work due to lack of money and lack of workers.

Local shops are unusually empty, and there is clearly less business going on. Many bank branches have closed and there are more empty shops up for lease. Just to make things look worse there are now homeless men sleeping in doorways of the empty shops. Not many, but this was almost unheard of two years ago.


There are still a surprising amount of people wearing their submission muzzles - in the city about 1 in 10 people in the streets and even more in shops. Wellington is a government city with a lot of unusually submissive hivemind workers, and the rates of injections and muzzles at the peak of the scamdemic were some of the highest in the world. Many people I know have been injected and I actually believe the official figure that about 80% of people have had at least one injection.

Despite becoming ill (but generally not dying) immediately after each booster shot, many people continue to have them. They clearly have low immunity now and get sick frequently. People who have not been injected are healthier but still are often not in great shape. Stress, 5G, chemtrails, lack of sun all year, and the constant air of doom are taking a heavy toll.

There are more 5G towers going up and more antennas being put up on the existing towers.

The number of people walking around staring at phones is even higher than the number of masktards. The two (phones & masks) often seem to go hand in hand, and some people really do look like zombies walking down the street.


House prices are dropping, and more people are trying to get away from the city. We have several friends who have moved away from Wellington this year, wanting to become self sufficient with land to grow food. But even properties in rural areas are dropping in value. Higher interest rates are crashing the severely over inflated housing market.

Supermarkets are still reasonably well stocked but on any given week about 10% of items (these are constantly changing) are out of stock and all prices are going up rapidly.


Any good stuff?

Being in the southern hemisphere we are now heading into summer, and unlike Australia where the summer is way too hot, here the summer temperatures are generally pretty good. It is likely we will have some respite from illness and rain over the next six months.

The standard of living is still comparatively high in NZ - compared to most countries we have a lot to be thankful for. It's not as good as it was a decade ago but it's still good in many ways. When I look at most other countries I'm not envious about anything. The country itself is still beautiful.


Yes we have a globalist psychopath for a "prime minister" and a corrupt libtard government, but for the most part it is possible to work around and ignore them. The stories of them spying on people and arresting them for "hate speech" are greatly exaggerated. I am criticising and mocking the government online every day, and so far getting away with it.


Certainly many people in NZ are mind controlled cult members but there is an ever increasing number of people waking up to the narrative. While Wellington where I live is probably one of the most mind controlled places, the entire South Island for example is more rebellious and many people down south are aware that the last election, just like in America, was faked.

Keep in mind that the alt news media is mostly controlled opposition and we are all being fed a constant diet of fudporn. At this point as a non-injected & vocal anti-government anti-vaxer I am still living a comfortable life. About 20% of the population is openly not down with the bullshit, and more are increasingly starting to resist it. The cult members are mostly weaker than they appear and usually back down from anyone who firmly holds their ground.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The same problems in France , but for us winter is there and all prices are skyrocketting ... not like BTC .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Big brother cannot be everywhere, even so people might think that. They deal with the loudest and most popular ones and estimate that this will have an effect on the overall population. Which it has, but as no one can really predict which effect exactly it will have, there is no "one measure" and "one outcome". People can be fooled for quite a while but what's in the very background of their minds might eventually work itself to the front. One might not admit it or talk about it, even.

Many people don't talk about what the really think. But that does not make them weaker.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the photos and writeup! Interesting to hear what's going on down in my home country, from somebody who is there.
Sounds a lot like Canada at the moment. You touched on several important topics. Masks, injections, smart devices, geoengineering, this post has it all.
It's good that you included some positives. I do notice that most of them were anecdotal, and can be summarized as "I haven't been dragged away so things can't be too bad". We have to keep in mind that this is just one point of view. There are many people who HAVE been dragged away, and aren't able to get online to post about it. Broader outlooks would be more accurate, but those numbers aren't available. Your "bad stuff" list is more scientific, for example a measure of the number of ambulances with sirens on. (We have noticed that here too, for about the past year, which is when the boosters first came out.)
Anyhow, there's nothing wrong with singular personal anecdotes, we just have to take into account the nature of the information when making broad statements. Your post provided a great snapshot of what's going on, touching various important topics, so thank you very much.
It has been 2/3 of my life since I was last in my homeland. I was born in the Hawke's Bay area of the North Island in the mid 70s. I was last there about 1990. I was not politically aware in any sense at that time, but I do believe I can say with certainty that NZ has changed quite a bit since that time. Then again, so has Canada, and the world. The globalists are wrecking havoc on Western society and humanity in general.
All the best!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hawkes Bay to Canada is quite a leap!

Yes it's not good but the people being dragged away thing is not generally accurate.

I was at some of the protests back in February and certainly some people were dragged away - but the cops were hired imported thugs and they made it very clear what they were going to do. I took some photos and walked away because there was no winning that battle. Most of the protesters on TV fighting back and starting fires were hired actors inflaming things to make fake news.

The protest went for several weeks but all coverage was censored and all that was shown was the chaos on the last day


Vinnie Eastwood was dragged away from a later protest and banned from the internet but he is back online to some extent -

And Dr Sam Bailey never gives up! -


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for sharing your local observations on what is happening in NZ.