Doing the Right Thing in a World Full of Suffering

in kindness •  9 hours ago 

How do we "stay the course" and always do the right thing, in a world that seems so filled with suffering and people engaging in sketchy activities?


It's tempting to just go with the flow because speaking up and pointing out wrongs when they happen often ends up feeling like swimming against the current.

And people can get very angry when they are called out on their bad behavior... because the world has become so accustomed to skating by while being less than honorable.

When did you last point out to the sales clerk at the market that they gave you back too much change? Have you ever done so, or did you just think "oh, it's a COMPANY, they can afford to lose a little!"

Did you ever pause to consider the possibility that maybe the employee would get a reprimand for coming up "short" with their cash drawer, at the end of the day?


Yes, it can be a challenge to "do right" in this world of ours.

But if we truly hope to make this a better place for all of us, we have to start with ourselves, and with a willingness to be that one person who bucks the trend and speaks up when something seems a little "off."

Thanks for reading, and Bright Blessings to all!

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