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Since the release of documents pertaining to the assassination of President Kennedy and the possible involvement of Israeli Intelligence (MOSSAD), I wanted to weigh in with a bit of background information. The easiest way to present this, I believe, is in the form of a brief timeline. My health prevents me from sitting at the computer for an extended period of time but I'll try to be as complete as possible. To understand the involvement of Israeli Intelligence in the the JFK assassination it's important to understand the modern intelligence apparatus and its relationship to the international banking cartel from an historical perspective, something I've written about numerous times. For some background I suggest reading these two articles that I wrote some time ago.
Although intelligence has played a role in virtually every conflict throughout history the modern apparatus was likely "invented" by the British East India company and perfected during the Napoleonic Wars by the Rothschild banking family. The Rothschilds made the bulk of their wealth loaning money to monarchs for the purpose of waging wars. Their goal was to control the currency of as many countries as possible by implementing a central banking system in each client country. One of the main reasons for thge War of 1812 was the refusal by the newly found US government to allow a Rothschild-controlled central bank to oversee US currency despite the best efforts of Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton. It took until 1913 and the establishment of the Federal Reserve Act to accomplish this goal.
Nathan Rothschild and the Napoleonic Wars
During the Napoleonic Wars Nathan Rothschild loaned money to the British Crown:
"Like the other Rothschild banks, N M Rothschild & Sons furnished credit to the British government during times of crisis. During the Napoleonic Wars, the bank managed and financed subsidies the government sent to allies and lent funds to pay British troops, almost single-handedly financing the war effort."
This, however, wasn't the end of Nathan Rothschild's involvement in the war. While the battle of Waterloo was being fought, Nathan began shorting British war bonds. Believing that he had information saying that the British had lost this key battle, other investors began selling off their bonds as well. Nathan indeed had information from his brother who ran the Paris branch of the Rothschild bank, not that the British had lost, but that they had won. When the bonds were virtually worthless, Nathan bought them up for pennies on the pound giving him almost total control of the British economy. The Rothschilds were at least in part responsible for the transformation of the British Empire from a land-based empire to a financial empire. The importance of intelligence cannot be understated.
The Balfour Declaration- 1917
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 essentially ceded ownership of Palestine (modern-day Israel) to the Rothschilds to be used as a homeland for the Jewish people.
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation. Yours sincerely, Arthur James Balfour
Unfortunately "the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine" were not only not respected, the transition from Palestine to Israel in 1948 was/is anything but peaceful. What precipitated the 1948 invasion of Palestine was Zionism, the belief that GOD intended Palestine to be the homeland of his "chosen people," the Jews. It's important top note that not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. Like any other ethnic/religious group, Jews are not all the same, there are many Jews that are vehemently opposed to Zionism. Prior to 1948, Palestine was a British Protectorate. Balfour Declaration ceded Palestine to the Zionist Rothschilds and the Zionist Federation. History and the mainstream media would have us believe that the Zionist occupation of Palestine went smoothly, that the Israelis simply moved into territory that they were entitled to. However, untold attrocities were perpetrated upon the Palestinians causing conflict and hard feelings throughout the Middle East, something that persists to this day. Prior to the Zionist intervention of 1948, Palestinians and Jews lived in the Holy Land in relative harmony. Born of this conflict was the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and their intelligence apparatus MOSSAD, one of the most efficient and feared intelligence agencies in the world.
As we've already covered the Napoleonic Wars gave the Rothschilds- Nathan in particular- enormous wealth and more importantly influence in British politics. This came about largely because of their efficient intelligence apparatus. This intelligence apparatus evolved into MI5 and MI6, a part of the British government but still influenced by the Rothschild bankers, now headquarted in the City of London along with the UK central bank, the Bank of England, also influenced by the Rothschilds. Coming into WWII the British Secret Services were at the apex of intelligence agencies; it was MI5 and MI6 that trained the flegling OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the precursor to trhe using the same espionage and counter-espionage developed by the Rothschilds. They were also responsible for training Mossad who took these methods to another level.
This intelligence network eventually evolved into a global system that included Five Eyes (FVEY), the agencies of the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and their Middle East adjunct MOSSAD, an apparatus developed on the Rothschild model serving both government and the international banking cartel. These intelligence agencies have grown in size and sophistication as technologies have developed, for example in the UK there is GCHQ the equivalent of our NSA. What's important is that all of these agencies serve two masters- governments and more importantly the international banking cartel that created them. MOSSAD has a unique role among these agencies, they do a lot of the dirty work... you could say that they're the Special Forces of the western intelligence world. It was MOSSAD that launched the successful raid on Entebbe airport in Uganda in the 1970's that rescued numerous hostages with very few casualties.
The Kennedy Assassination- the CIA & MOSSAD
There is no shortage of theories surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy - The Lone Gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald- The Mafia- The CIA and perhaps all of the above. With the recent release of documants pertaining to the assassinatio,n a new wrinke has been added... MOSSAD although it appears that this "new" theory is far from being new. During the Kennedy administration there was much concern in the White House about Israel's nuclear program, something the president was vehemently opposed to. On the Israeli side there was concern about Kennedy's Middle East policies; Kennedy favored the independence of Libya for example.
Anyone familiar with the JFK assassination knows that there was no love lost between Kennedy and the CIA. He distrusted tham and believed that trhey had far too much power and influence over foreign policy. In fact Harry Truman, whose administration created the CIA had become concerned with the power of the CIA by 1963.
Former President Truman, whose Administration established the C.I.A. in 1947, said in 1963 that by then he saw “something about the way the C.I.A. has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic positions, and I feel that we need to correct it.”
In some circles Kennedy is credited with having remarked to one of his senior advisors:
And President Kennedy, as the enormity of the Bay of Pigs disaster came home to him, said to one of the highest officials of his Administration that he “wanted to splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
Whether or not Kennedy said it at this point is a moot point, after the fiasco of the Bay of Pigs Kenn edy's distrust of the intelligence agency was well established. The CIA had every reason for wanting to see Kennedy dead, particularly in light of the fact that the US intelligence agency may have been involved with Israel's nuclear weapons program. The enriched uranium necessary to create a nuclear weapon was stolen from a facility inside the US.
"It was a known fact that obtaining uranium for such weapons was no easy task, and reports from U.S. intelligence sources indicated that weapons-grade uranium was being stolen from a nuclear facility in Apollo, Pennsylvania, and smuggled out of the country."
" While the thefts were serious, what stood out was the lack of action from U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Kennedy, a seasoned leader, understood that the CIA was working against him."
" Kennedy, recognizing the deep interconnections between Israel, the CIA, and other covert operatives, reportedly took steps to dismantle the CIA’s influence, which had grown out of control. His attempt to rein in the agency’s rogue activities and prevent a potential nuclear conflict was part of his broader effort to ensure U.S. security. However, those who benefitted from the status quo, including powerful Israeli figures and CIA operatives, saw Kennedy’s actions as a threat to their interests."
Then there is the role of "lone gunman" Lee Harvey Oswald. Before the assassination Israel had a keen interest in what Oswald was up to, so much so that they had an "agent" of both the US and Israeli governments monitoring him. Although the lone gunman theory proffered by the Warren Commission is ridiculous, it does seem that Oswald was involved in some way... even if it was just being set up as the patsy. A US/Israel double agent named Reuben Efron was monitoring Oswald.
"For decades, armchair analysts scrutinizing the mysteries of former US president John F. Kennedy’s assassination have fixated on who, exactly, opened his future assassin’s mail while he was under CIA surveillance ahead of the shooting. As the conspiracy theory went, that person would have understood Lee Harvey Oswald’s relationship with the Soviet Union and thus could unlock new information about a possible Communist plot against Kennedy — or a US government scheme to obscure his true killer."
If the CIA had been as surveilling Oswald wouldn't the assassination have been preventable- unless- Oswald wasn't the assassin. One thing is certain, the CIA was definitely interested in Oswald's activities and they used Efron, a Lithuanian Jew with ties to both the CIA and Israel to keep tabs on him.
“The memo shows that high-level CIA officers were interested in the smallest details of Oswald’s life 17 months before Kennedy was killed,” Jefferson Morley, an author of multiple books about the CIA, and about Kennedy, said on his blog, JFK Facts, after the revelation. “If Oswald was the ‘lone gunman,’ as a substantial minority of Americans believe, the clandestine service had much more access to his personal information than most know.”
Given that the files being released are very unlikely to name the shooter (s?) or who was specifically behind it, what we are left with is speculation and perhaps enough evidence to come to a reasonable conclusion. One thing is certain; Lee Harvey Oswald- if he was involved at all- did not act alone and the "magic bullet" theory is laughable, yet very few even questioned it, perhaps due to the fact that CIA chief Allen Dulles was one of the "experts" on the Warren Commision. In order to draw a reasonable conclusion we must ask ourselves...
Qui Bono?
The question isn't so much who benefits- there were numerous beneficiaries- but who benefited the most from the Kennedy assassination... The Mafia, The Military Industrial Complex, The Intelligence Agencies (who expanded greatly in both size and scope both here and across the pond), Israel, and last and most important, the International Banking Cartel and their Central Banking System.
During Prohibition Kennedy patriarch Joseph Kennedy was the head of the Irish mob in Boston. He made his considerable fortune having crooked Irish cops seize shipments of whiskey and other alcoholic beverages which he in turn sold to his friend and business associate Frank Costello in New York. Costello, for those unaware was one of the chieftans of the mob in New York. When his son John was running for president in 1960, the election hinged on getting the electoral votes in Illinois. Joe used his influence in the mob world to recruit help from Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana who naturally expected favors for turning the tide, using his influence with the labor unions to ensure that Kennedy carried Illinois. After taking office, JFK appointed his kid brother Bobby Attorney General who in turn declared war on organized crime. If anyone had good reason to want the Kennedys dead it was the mob.
There is also the ongoing relationship between the mob and the CIA. During WWII the OSS recruited the mob, through Charles "Lucky" Luciano, to prevent espionage on the docks of New York. Before the botched invasion at the Bay of Pigs, the CIA sought to assassinate Fidel Castro by employing the services of Sam Giancana and Carlos Tropicante of Florida. There was also Jack Ruby (Rubenstein) the man who killed Oswald, an associate of Giancana. The question arises, why would a mob associate care about Lee Harvey Oswald? For years the mob has been associated with the intelligence community and both benefited from the assassination, not to mention that both had the means, the motive and likely the opportunity to have pulled it off.
There is one more Mafia link that few people have even considered, Meyer Lansky and his ties to the mob in the US and the government of Israel. Rather than post some long quotes I suggest opening this link and reading the article, it ties togrther all of the actors involved in the assassination:
Before leaving office President Dwight Eisenhower warned the country to "beware the military industrial complex." Kennedy took these words to heart and advocated large cuts to the defense budget as well as plans for nuclear disarmament at a time when other countries including Israel were beginning to proliferate. If the military industrial complex would lose from arms reductions so too would the international bankers that loan the money to arms manufacturers such as Boeing, Lockheed/Martin, McDonald Douglas and logistics companies such as Brown and Root, Haliburton and DynCorp, a CIA cutout company. These are pnly a few of the corporations that make up the perpetual war industry. This occurred at the beginning of the Vietnam War, a conflict that Kennedy was trying desperately to withdraw from. Since the advent of the Cold War the US has been in a state of perpetual proxy wars against the USSR and now Russia... and perpetual proxy wars against "radical Islam" on behalf of Israel.
Zionism is an ideology pushed by pro-Israel groups such as the Anti Defamation League and Evangelical Christians. These groups would have us bel;ieve that Israel is our friend and ally. But history has proven this to be untrue... our relationship with Israel has always been one-sided in favor of Israel. For example Israel recieves $318 billion in foreign aid every year. In return for this largese we get events such as the bombing of the USS Liberty, "an honest mistake." There are also reports of Israeli "spies" at the World Trade Center just prior to 9/11.
"Buried and apparently long forgotten is this 2002 Daily Mail story about the U.S. arresting and deporting 200 Israelis, some of whom posed as “art students,” for spying and espionage activities in the lead up to 9/11. In addition, here is the_ ____DEA’s report__ on Israeli activities in the U.S. just prior to 9/11. So much for the nonsensical theory that 19 Muslims with boxcutters pulled off this crime of the century."_
I recommend the entire article above to help understand Israel's role in the 9/11 attacks. But the question here isn't about the USS Liberty or 9/11, it's about what did Israel have to gain or lose from the Kennedy assassination other the threat to their nuclear weapons program and Kennedy's support for Mislim countries in the Middle East? Israel is, and has been since 1948, a puppet regime of the Rothschild international banking cartel.
The role of the CIA in the Kennedy assassination is what it has been in nearly all events since its inception, that of a facilitator between governments and the international banking cartel in addition to their own interests. If Kennedy was to pull out of Vietnam it would almost surely put an end to the CIA's drug operation in SE Asia, their main means of financing their black ops and regime changes around the world. "The “deathbed confession” audio tape in which former CIA agent and Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt admits he was approached to be part of a CIA assassination team to kill JFK was aired – an astounding development that has gone completely ignored by the establishment media." There have already been a plethora of other articles written about the CIA's involvement in the Kennedy assassination and although they were involved, they weren't the ones behind it.
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Like the tentacles of an octopus winding their way through all of the above beneficiaries, the international banking families: Rothschild, Schiff (as in Sen Adam Schiff), Warburg, and their most recent addition the Rockefellers, they are the ones with the most to gain from the death of JFK. These are the people that funded both sides of every war at least since the 18th century. These are the people behind the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and Hitler's "economic miracle" in Germany. Ironically, when the Nazis were divesting Europe of Jews these eminent Jewish banking families were never bothered.
After the war the Rothschilds had virtually realized their dream of putting a central bank in most of the countries in the western world. After nearly 150 years of trying, as of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 this consortium of bankers controlled the economy of the United States. In 1933, with the stroke of a pen, Franklin Roosevelt ceded "ownership" of the US to the Federal Reserve.
"In effect what happened is this: In 1933, with the assistance of Congress, President Franklin Roosevelt declared a state of emergency declaring insolvency; dissolved the government and turned it into a corporation and declared bankruptcy. 'Such Congressional Acts as Public Law 1 ,48 stat C 1 (H.R. 1491) and Public Law 73-10 40 stat 411 Trading with the Enemy Act (H.R. 4960) AND public Law 10 ch 48 ,48 stat,112 (HJR 192) Hold Members of the Congress as official trustees over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government.'"
"He then ceded "ownership" of the insolvent corporation along with its debt over to the Federal Reserve naming the American taxpayer as guarantor (that's you and me if you're confused). "The Government is using the credit of the People of the Nation as the means of operating this Nation as the Federal Reserves Note are not backed by so much as a penny worth of gold but is internal currency. (Pursuant to Congressional Documents of 1933).' And here is the proof of the insolvency: 'It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.' I know what you're thinking- they can't do that... but they did! And it gets worse."
"As the Cited Doc. 'Holder of Preferred Stock (the United States)' the Federal Reserve 'holds a prior, superior, and secured interest and claim on the Debtor (that's you) and Debtor's Property.' This goes on to state that 'In the United States neither paper currency [e.g. Federal Reserve Notes] nor deposits have value as commodities. Intrinsically a dollar bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries. The acceptance of said currency is just a confidence game predicated upon the people's faith or confidence that these 'currencies can be accepted...' In other words this acknowledges that Federal reserve fiat "currency" is worthless and the Fed can demand payment in gold or your "commodities." (property and/or labor)".
The international bankers had the most to gain and the least to lose from the assassination except for... Executive Order 1111o that essentially abolishes the Fed.
"On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, ++Executive Order 11110++, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Rothschild Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Rothschild ++Federal Reserve Bank++ would soon be out of business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed this Order, it returned to the United States federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency – money – without going through the privately owned Rothschild Federal Reserve Bank. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superseded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid."
Losing control of the US economy would be a blow that the banksters could ill afford, it would likely set off a chain of events around the world destroying everything they had worked for for centuries. It was clearly the international bankers that had the most to gain from the death of JFK and the intelligence agency (MOSSAD) of their puppet state that would be one of the facilitators.
This is one of those issues so complex that we're unlikely to ever get to the bottom of it. Even with the release of latest batch of records we'll probably never get definitive answers. Was MOSSAD involved? I believe that there is already enough evidence that we can assume that they, in addition to sister agencies (CIA, FBI, MI5 & 6) were involved. For anyone interested is some extra-curricular reading, this is the link to the National Archives release:
You still got it my friend!!!! LOL. Your mind is as sharp as ever. Good to see ya here. Yeah, your analysis is spot on as per usual.
It isn't my mind that's the problem, it's my eyersight😀