Numbers (2023): Finally, an Accountant Centered Kdrama.

in kdrama •  8 months ago 

There is a special feeling I get whenever I watch a show that's centred around topics that whet my appetite, especially when it's something related to Finance, Banking, Business or the Economy at large.

It gets even better if the show is a Korean production since I generally love the attention they give to details when exploring and theme in a show. That's exactly why I dived into this show;


Drama: Numbers

Genre: Business, Thriller, Crime.

Network: MBC

Episodes: 12

Release Date: June 23 - July 29, 2023

As someone who studied Banking and Finance, a show about Accountants and the role they play in the business world got me curious immediately. I know that most of the things Accountants due warrant sitting in the office for most of the day so, a show that centres around Accountants felt like it would pose a strong challenge for both the scriptwriter and the directors.

Merely thinking of how they would be able to make this show interesting to the viewers got me excited. Haha. When I started watching it, I noticed that the direction of the show was really interesting. Also, the scriptwriter did something amazing by projecting the main character as a young lad who got into one of the top Accounting firms with just a high school diploma.

Yeah... Imagine having to work in a firm filled with professionals with just a High School diploma. How will you move up the ranks? How will you get them to see and treat you as a colleague? How will you cope when you start getting marginalized for not having a higher qualification?


As you would expect in a normal working environment, Jang Ho (the main character) didn't get a warm welcome from most of his colleagues in the Accounting firm. Most of his colleagues and senior colleagues gave him cold shoulders and no one wanted to be in the same team as him. He didn't give up. He had to improvise and make himself useful in the firm. You would be surprised by the things he did to prove his work.

Now, this isn't just about some Newbie trying to prove that he's ready to dive into the Accounting world. If that was all the story is about, I would have been pissed. Haha. There is a side of the show that has to do with Crime, the type you would expect from the business world.

I'm sure you know the sort of crime that is usually committed in the business world. Things like leaking of insider information during merger and acquisition, inflation of the value of a business to sell it at a ridiculously high price to anyone that's in the market. Also, instances of manipulation of shares and several tax crimes were highlighted.


The above "Gentleman" is the big bad wolf of the show and I can't overemphasize the type of charisma he has as a bad Guy in this show. For the record, this isn't the first time I've seen him in a Kdrama. He has been in several of them and the different types of roles he has played stand as proof that he's a dynamic actor.

There is something about me and the love I have for characters that have charisma, especially when they are playing the role of the villain. This man did the job well and you can easily sense that he's not someone to take for granted especially when he's just reacting with his facials. Even when he speaks, he uses very few words to mark his presence. Haha.

The Characterisation in this show is spot-on. The scripting of each of the characters is nicely done. They have this cool vibe that shows they are in the corporate world, but they can also go wild if the situation warrants that. Haha.

This show got a 7.1 rating on IMBD and I will likely leave it at that. Maybe 7.5 at the highest level. But that isn't to take anything away from the show.

The only thing that didn't impress me was the closure they gave to the show. It didn't look like a solid closure because the villain just spent a few moments in prison, came out and pulled out the funds he stacked away. Now, he's back into the system and maliciously taking over banks. That bit felt like they allowed evil to prevail. And, there is no talk of a follow-up season so, we all have to deal with it.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma.
All Images are taken from the gallery section of the show on MyDramaList

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