Karma or Rigid Patterns of life

in karma •  3 years ago 

When right things do not happen in our life, we say it must be my karma to bring all of this back to me. But this Karma actually sometimes is very confusing for me. Is it always Karma?

Sometimes I feel no, it is not always about Karma, sometimes it is also about the rigid patterns that we follow in life which keeps bringing us back to unpleasant situations in life. Till the time we do not break these rigid patterns and learn our lessons till such time we keep attracting those unpleasant people and those unpleasant situations in life.

What do you think about this? And how does one evaluate between the 2.

Personally, I feel and from the way I closely observe life, I believe that when we keep going through a similar type of problem in life, then it is more about the patterns and not the karma. For e.g. a person who is always finding it difficult to manage relationships, the person may have back-to-back break ups or not very good terms with their own family members and friends, then the difficult times, that the person goes through because of these relationship issues cannot exactly be called as Karma, then it is the rigid patterns that one needs to break free from to move ahead in this area of life.


Not only that, also one uses a lot of free will in the life course and this free will decides the outcome. The actions of free will normally come from the area of our subconscious programming, which drives us to a certain type of behavior. So then here Karma does not really have much of a play, but rather in such cases we are creating new Karma which eventually we will have to face at some point of time. Whether it is in this life or in some other life.

Life is complicated and simple, it depends on how we want to see it. But just being mindful about how life is going on and consciously altering the patters of life which are not giving very pleasant outcomes will definitely simplify life to a great extent and yes it will also pleasantly connect with our Karma. Otherwise we keep circling in the same patterns and keep attracting similar energies towards us. As I mentioned we can make it simple or we can make it complicated.


When one has relationship issues, then one may be lacking the behavior of forgiveness or Let Go, or will be having too much tolerance towards wrong things, or lack of communication, and it can be many other things as well. But when one consciously understands these grey areas for self and accept them and work towards making it better then they will see that the relationships will start getting better for them. They would stop feeling that chaos around them.

Being conscious and living a mindful life will bring in peace and the other way around will bring in lot of chaos. It is more about synchronizing our energy or we can also say our Aura. If we are in a disturbed state our Aura is also distorted and it will in turn attract similar energies, but when we are calming, contended and joyful in life our Aura will also be in good harmony and it will attract higher energies for us in life. Yoga and Meditation are some of the tools to harmonize the energy field.

So the choice is completely our's, how we want our life to be. Walk off from the chaos or live in it......

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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Great post as always
I love it