High Paying Job or your own Business - What would you prefer?

in job •  2 years ago 

When you have a full-time job, you would always feel very secured. We knew for sure that a certain amount of income is coming into the account at the end of every month. Especially if we have a high paying job, we all the more become reluctant to get out of it and explore something new. But that does not mean that people do not do that. It is a risk also to leave a well-paying job and start with something new, unless there is some strong background.

When I was in my job, a friend of mine who was working with me suddenly one day decided to quit the job and start with her photography passion as a full-time activity. Seriously in those days I would have never thought because I did not have good financial security. Today I can think, but today I have no job, I have my own consulting work, which does not fetch me a regular income and at times pays me very less than my job, but I have high level of satisfaction of what I am doing. Today I can relate with my friend, why she took that decision. For initial months she did face a struggle but gradually she started doing very well and now she has a very good set-up.


Today I believe in one thing that if we are not happy with our jobs and if we have some passion to pursue something, then it's better to follow our passion. 10 years back I would have not made the same statement. When we have responsibilities, it is not easy to make such decisions. There is no weighing over here which one is better. Both are good in their own ways. Not everyone has business sense or that with their knowledge they can do any business. In such situation a job is the best source of income.

Honestly in my 20 years of job, many times I have felt unhappy and wanted to quit. At the same time in the last 6 years of doing my own things I have always been happy and satisfied. Never once I have felt of getting back to a job even if I do not get a higher income. I do miss that monthly big fat amount coming into my bank account. Rather if someone offers me a heavily paying job, I would turn it off with a No Thank you.

I am sure everyone has their own preferences depending on their priorities of life. These decisions are very complicated. But for sure the level of work satisfaction in doing your own thing is very high then compared to a 9 to 5 job where you are working for someone else, no matter however big your pay check is.

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