Why I Choose To Live A Boring Life

in jerrybanfield •  last year 

This is my daily routine that has helped me stay sober for 3,202 days and reach my best health ever!

My autobiography in recovery is free and detailed at https://www.jerrybanfield.com/courses/autobiography2017 including how I worked the 12 steps in Alcoholics Anonymous and have been sober as a recovered alcoholic since 2014!

You will love my free 12 step course at https://www.jerrybanfield.com/courses/12-steps-spiritual-solution

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Jerry Banfield in Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA
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I’ve been boring since I was like 20 or younger I barely drink, I eat mostly raw vegan, don’t touch processed foods or sugar, work out most days. Everyone assumes from the way I act and present myself I am a party girl who takes drugs, they couldn’t be further from the truth instead of partying I like to watch conspiracy videos in bed 🤣 to be fair what’s boring to one isn’t to another to me health, learning, travelling and feeling good is far more interesting than crazy parties or crap food.

You can actually make raw cakes like that yourself just throwing those ingredients in the blender and making balls then it’s fresh it’s super easy and cheaper kids probably love them too

  ·  last year  ·  

Nice I love watching conspiracy videos as well was just watching The Why Files today!