Dr Jenner and The Milkmaid

in jenner •  3 years ago 

No this is not going to be a saucy story but while I have you here lets talk about that famous legend of how vaccines were discovered. I know we’ve all been sold the romantic story of a milkmaid schooling Jenner on the amazing science of ‘immunity’ but seriously if you believe that story I have a nice bridge to sell you.

The whole concept of immunity (which we are told came from a lowly milkmaid) was in fact taken from the known concept of building immunity to poisons called Mithridatism. It had nothing to with germs or viruses unless you use the word virus in it’s original form which was ‘poison’.

Secondly Jenner did not hear the tale from a milkmaid at all, he heard it from other natural philosophers of the time who had heard it from a farmer and not a milkmaid. This is stated in papers from the time.
Innoculation was a common practise at this time, even Jenner himself had been innoculated for smallpox at school and suffered from health issues from it into adulthood. This was why he looked for alternatives.
I wonder if the farmers and milkmaids bragged of their ‘immunity’ to get out of having to be put through innoculation? Makes more sense to me than the official story.

So what IS this magical cowpox they claimed gave them immunity from smallpox?
“Jenner’s observations of ‘cowpox’ may have been grossly misinterpreted, as physicians, later on, discovered that cowpox pustules were only found on the udders of cows milked by filthy human hands and that cows roaming free in pastures were not affected by the disease.”
So it was only a disease of dairy cows therefore it is the farming practises causing it and it is NOT contagious.

Originally Jenner thought it had come from a horse complaint called ‘horsegrease’. This is also a disease of domestic working animals but lets look at the reason he thought this –

This story certainly makes it sound contagious doesn’t it. But did anyone ask what the farmer dressed the horses heals with? I’ve tried to find an answer but can’t so maybe they would have used a similar remedy as for the cowpox seeing as they were interchangeable according to Jenner.

Once the cows showed symptoms they already had a treatment which was deemed to work so it must have been used extensively. These two treatments consisted of “vitriolum zinci and the vitriolum cupri”. Seeing as no-one seems to ask the question could it be the noxious treatments causing the pustules/blisters I looked up these common treatment ingredients liberally slathered all over dairy cows teets.

source: https://www.mindat.org/show.php?id=4929&ld
So we look up Chalcanthite and look what it says about the health risks –

source: https://www.mindat.org/min-959.html

source: https://www.mindat.org/min-4546.html

source: https://www.mindat.org/min-1731.html
The 2nd ingredient having no information for health risks does not mean it is not harmful nor is there any synergistic information for the two ingredients working together.

So the maids would be getting this toxic skin irritant on their hands and then spreading it from cow to cow but also some of it must have gotten into the milk. So there is your ‘viral contagion’ of spreading poison skin to skin and even possibly being ingested in the milk.

Now to my next point which recently came up no doubt from the Weston Price camp that drinking ‘raw’ milk could have been the reason for the milkmaids ‘immunity’ to smallpox, which I’ve already established is a lie but need to clear this fallacy up too.
Milkmaids did no doubt drink raw milk but so did everyone in those days as Pasteur and pasteurization did not come about for another 100 years at least. There are many other factors which would have made milkmaids and other country folk healthier.
Fresh air, clean fresh water, fruit and veg fresh and unadulterated from nature, regular income and generally a higher standard of living than town or city dwellers of the same social status.

This is an excellent (although germ theory laden) short documentary on the horrific treatment of foodstuffs in Victorian days. A few years later indeed but frankly it can only have been worse in the 18c. If you thought Victorians had a healthier diet think again.

It's mentioned in the documentary that they added borax to old milk to cover the sour taste. Makes you wonder what they added in Jenners time before sending the milk to market without refridgeration apart from the contamination of 'treatments' for blistered cow nipples. In the documentary above they end up blaming the deaths of children on bacteria (TB) in the milk tho and sideline any chemical cause of death as usual. This was what prompted the need for the pasteurization process. Nice bit of circular reasoning and scapegoating again.

The original claim of immunity in the case of cowpox was never even proven. Milk maids and other people who regularly milked cows could get it over and over again. So if they weren’t immune to the cowpox how on earth did that translate to an immunity to smallpox?


So back to my main points for writing this;
Immunity is another fairytale concept
Toxic treatments and other pollutants were the causes of smallpox (and cowpox)
Jenner was a fraudster or just a deluded do-gooder
A milkmaid did not invent the ‘immune system’
Raw milk is not a human superfood it is meant for baby cows

Smallpox itself was never eradicated either, it seems they did the old name-swap on it just like they did with polio and many other diseases to follow.


It also should be noted that the worst smallpox ‘epidemics’ happened AFTER the vaccines had been liberally enforced. Nice work Jenner.

Further reading on Jenner and the truth about his smallpox miracle vaccine and all the other lies told in the mainstream medical journals:

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I love that article about Jenner. How strikingly similar to today's con job! We have fallen for this many times before!

Although Jenner’s vaccine lacked any evidence of safety or efficacy, it was feverishly promoted to the masses.

More and more I understand that, instead of symptoms being diseases that must be managed, symptoms are CURES. Let symptoms do their work to prevent further, far more serious, illness. The best strategy to get well when presented with symptoms is to do nothing at all. Take your cues from your body. You're not hungry? Don't eat. You're dizzy? Get in bed. Something causes pain? Don't do that. So simple. Stop going to western doctors - the entire field is based on falsehoods.

“Smallpox eruptions are a sign of rapid elimination of hereditary and acquired disease taints. A good dose of smallpox may rid the system of more scrofulous, tuberculous and syphilitic poisons than could otherwise have been got rid of in a lifetime. Therefore smallpox is certainly to be preferred to vaccination. The one means the elimination of chronic disease, the other the making of it.”[61]

Although I'd really like to know what the good of a post nasal drip cough is.

I love that you totally get it!!
As to your question, a cough is an elimination of dead cells, debris and toxins from the lungs and trachea, the nasal drip if you snort a lot would irritate the trachea to cough any phlegm back out. Can't say I've had a runny nose for a long time tho. My lungs have been having a massive clean out tho.👍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for sharing this it helps fill in the blanks on vaccination.

Posted from https://blurtblog.tekraze.com

Always welcome and thankyou always for reading.