My entry to js quiz.

in javascriptquiz •  4 years ago  (edited)

Q1) Give the Output of the following javasript code , also provide the reason for your answe.


Ans: Here first a pop up window alerts comes wit a message "hello" because of the statement written in the first parentheses of window.alert(). After clicking ok button it will show another pop alert with message undefined.

window.alert( );
Ans: Display alert box with no message and a ok button.

window.alert(console.log("@double-u has more than 2700000 BP"));
Ans: Display alert box with undefined message.
And if we go and check the console output by right click and and going in inspect element and opting console. Output will be @double-u has more 2700000

var x = 1;
console.log("window.alert( x++ )");
Ans: output in console will be window.alert(x++)

console.log(@afrog is attending the quiz);
Ans:syntax error because @afrog is attending the quiz should be written in double quotes like "@afrog is attending the quiz"

script(here i have removed <> from both side of script)
var x = 20 ;
for(i=0; i<x ; i++)
console.log("x is now " + x );

})(I have inserted some extra symbol because while posting it is showing that i can not use html element)
Ans: output:"x is now 20" 20 times on console.

what will be the output if in question number 6 after console.log("x is now " + x ); the next line of code is added as :
a) x--;
b) x= x-20;
c) x=x-i;
d) x= x++ + --x; // @jacobgadikian this is for all the developers here , It is challenge for all.
Ans 7:a)the output in console will be :x is now 20, x is now 19 and so on till "x is now 11" after that i value will become more then x mean condition false loop will be terminated.
b) output: x is now 20, after that i value will be mote then x and for loop get terminated.
c) output: x is now 20
x is now 20
x is now 19
x is now 17
x is now 14
x is now 10
I can not attempt rest of the question because that requires laptop which I am unable to access for somedays

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ok you are correct for most of the part but i might have forgottento close the script tag.

I recommend you to assume that script tag is closed and now tell the outputs.

Thank You.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Ans 6:It will print "x is now 20" 20 times on console
Ans 7:a)the output in console will be :x is now 20, x is now 19 and so on till "x is now 11" after that i value will become more then x mean condition false loop will be terminated.
b) output: x is now 20, after that i value will be mote then x and for loop get terminated.
c) output: x is now 20
x is now 20
x is now 19
x is now 17
x is now 14
x is now 10

please edit your post and place this there.
thank you.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Edited, i guess answer are correct now!!