javascript quiz answer

in javascriptquiz •  4 years ago 

My entry for JS quiz.

Question Number 1

Answer 1 : hello message in alert box and then a empty box.

Answer 2 : a blank message inside the alert box.

Answer 3 : @double-u has more than 2700000 BP in console

Answer 4 : in console we will see window.alert(x++)

Answer 5 : it is a syntax error no output.

Answer 6 : x is now 20 will be printed 20 times

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Here are the correction for your attemp :

  1. In part one we won't see a empty but an undefined alert box.

  2. before that message in the console we will see a undefine alert box as well.

  3. Yes a syntax error , we must write the code inside the double quotation mark for the correct syntax.

Rest of your answers are correct

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