Rain, everywhere is rain. Wherever you look!

in japan •  3 years ago 


It is wet, and even if now at the moment of writing this article I can finally see a glimpse of blue sky, it looks as if it will continue to be wet in the coming days and weeks.

And this in May, which is actually praised here in Japan as the most delightful month, with lots of sunshine and very pleasant temperatures. But this year it seems to be a bit different than usual, there was quite some rain at the beginning of the month, more than in usual years and in the last weeks it had also rained heavily on every day.

In terms of precipitation, Japan beats Europe by far, on average about twice or three times as much rain and snow falls from the sky than than in my home country Germany. That's why it's so lush and green here, and also quite humid almost all year round. And that's why May is so important: finally everything can dry out and air out a bit, and the air is pleasantly fresh. But as I said, not so this year.

In these latitudes, the rainy season doesn't actually start until the end of June, but a little further south in Osaka, the wet season was already officially confirmed and started over a week ago, about a month too early. And now people are pondering what that might mean then. An extremely long and wet rainy season of up to two months, or an extremely long and hot summer that always follows the rainy season. Both are not really tempting and the choice of the lesser evil is quite difficult. Although I would tend to the long hot summer, because at least I can see the sun and the blue sky, which is very important for my mind.

But I would rather have a normal May, with pleasant temperatures, lots of sun and fresh air, in which we would use every chance to get out of the house to go for a walk or a hike. Just like last year, where we were wandering around the countryside a lot more than usual, also due to the still lingering "situation". And that's exactly what I'm in the mood for right now and I actually was really looking forward to those trips.

But now that things are different, we'll have to reschedule, which isn't that easy. We spend to much time inside the house already, and since last year there are less possibilities to hang out indoors. Maybe a bit more here in Japan than in Europe, where almost everything was closed for quite some time.

But what the heck, it's not raining right now, so we'll probably take the chance and all run outside quickly and get some fresh air. I can come back and sit at the computer later and I actually do this way too often and way too much.

And that's why I'm done here and I'll be gone for a short while....

Catch you all later!

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