A 'friend' who is not an 'enemy' at all. So how do you recognize the enemy in the guise of a friend?

in jacobgadikian •  3 years ago 

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This is not a new phenomenon, almost everyone has had to enter the category of such people in life. There is a funny name for such people in English - 'Frenemi'. That is, a 'friend' who is not an 'enemy' at all. So how do you see the enemy in a friend's way?

Let us consider five of the most important signs:

  1. When you do something good, when you succeed in a difficult job, that special 'friend' is unhappy. That will be revealed in his own way. If the explosion is more than you expect, it is a great sign.

  2. Such people are prone to catch your mistakes all the time. Your thoughts, likes, preferences, job, clothes, relatives, other friends - it all seems bad in his eyes.

  3. The best way to detect insanity when you are insulted is in front of people just to have fun. People understand what is fun and what is obscene. Be careful if you see such signs.

  4. Such people are often self-centered and self-centered. They know a lot about their work plan. They will not give you any time you need.

  5. Frenmeira often chooses the highest problems. There are ups and downs in any friendship. But Frenimera is always looking for a problem in friendships. Being good doesn't make them feel good.

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