Earning Crypto Report - Day 2 / 365

in investment •  5 years ago 

This series of post is going to be a log to see if I can hit my crypto earning goals. I don't plan to spend a lot of time a day but I do spend a couple hours a day on the computer so I thought it would be a good idea to see if I can earn some extra crypto.

First Goal -

100 Doge
a day 3000 end of month


With today I was not truly able to say I collected any doge. I know I will see many days like this just need to aim for some days with 100+ doge.
Places to earn doge

^refferal links

Second Goal -

5 Hive a day


Hive I just started posting more so that should roll in over the next week.

Using https://hivestats.io/ I am able to track my daily hive curation and post-earnings.

Third Goal

2 Bat


When it comes to bat most earning will come from the brave ads, I also invest some brave into the uphold credearn. That is paying out twice a month that half will be reinvested half will be turned to bat. I also earn bat on Publish0x

This was another one that is going to have many zero-days but will see some days with higher amounts.

60 Bat tokens

Forth Goal

1000 Banano


Got the F@H client set up and running. Now to see how well it works over the next while. I plan to try and add a few more GPUs to the mix.

Fifth Goal

100 LBRY


With LBRY it is a passive income that is sometimes slow some times not. I earn when others sign up or watch my videos in the form of tips.

I am a huge fan of the LBRY app and service. The blockchain has come a long way and it is striving to be the best blockchain video service. You can get tips from members and from the verified tips.

Sixth Goal

10000 blurt


When it comes to blurt it is a fantastic clone to steem. Blurt has no downvotes so your hard work can't be flagged for someone not agreeing with your opinion. Blurt also has fees small ones but they will help stop ALOT of spam.

I am the host of the #blurtography contest on blurt so my goal is to have that account with 10k blurt powered up. You can enjoy some extra blurt vote when you power up even as little as 25 blurt with the #blurt365 challenge.

Blurt will be much like hive and be a slow go at the start as post payouts are 7 days.

By the end of the month,I am hoping to hold 3000 doge, 150 Hive, 60 Bat tokens, 1000 banano, 100 LBRY, 10000 Blurt. I don't spend much more than an hour a day trying to earn these as the best is a passive income when it comes to crypto and investing.

You can check out my other cypto post about @ionomy sharenodes Ionomy

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