Staking At Avalanche Network and Vapor Nodes

in investment •  3 years ago 

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Avax Fury has just been launched today and it is similar to BNB Fury and Matic Fury that I had written about in my past articles.

Within a day, it had gathered about 8372 Avax staked in its site. I had staked in its 7-day plan that gives me a profit of about 40%. There is no locked plan so we get back daily payout. For my case, it will be 20% daily payout for 7 days.

With many still getting their investment in, I do believe its contract should be able to last for more than a week. Getting in early has a greater chance of not losing out as the amount of fund really depends on the number of investors.

Those who are interested, I would appreciate it if you use my link below to find out more.


Avax Staker is a fork of Matic Staker and it is running on Avalanche Network.

This is the 3rd day since the launch of Avax Staker. I invested in it since the first day with 5 AVAX tokens.

It had a contract balance of 24 091 AVAX when I first joined in the first day. Currently, it has a contract balance of about 56 243 AVAX. It is almost double of the amount from the first day.

Currently, the 14-day plan has a daily payout of 8.9%. I had invested in the 14-day locked plan as it gives a better ROI as compared to the unlocked plan.

The unlocked plan allows regular withdrawal and the locked plan helps to compound our interest but we can only make withdrawal after the expire of our plan.

I am currently quite pleased with the growth of Avax Staker as it seems like this is a nice bet for me.

I must admit that Avax Fury and Avax Staker are both high risk investment so we can lose our money but it seems like Avax Staker had done an audit with Haze Crypto to verify that there is no method in the contract for the developers to withdraw our funds in the pool. This ensures that they are not able to rug and run away with our money.

How long can Avax Staker last really depends on how much support it is going to gather from the investors. I personally think that it may last for about 3 weeks if everything goes well but it is still a bet to take.

Those who are interested, I would appreciate that you use my link below to find out more.

Vapor Node

I had invested about $100 to purchase 3000 VPND tokens about a week ago. We need 1000 VPND tokens to get one node. It is supposed to give a ROI of 1% each day. This gives me about $1 daily actually.

I do not know why but there is a sudden pump and its token and the price of the token has increased 3 times of price. Currently, it is showing me a daily income of $3. I have indicated where to click if you want to get some VPND tokens.

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It seems like VPND tokens has grown 3 times. I had made a screenshot from Trader Joe.

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Like many other nodes, Vapour Node gives a better daily APR progressively when we compound regularly without withdrawal.

From the above screenshot, you can see that I had compounded more than 300 VPND tokens.

With the price increase of token, I would be able to earn back my initial investment in about one month actually. I am not sure how much this token will be pumped but it is a nice surprise since most tokens are actually on the red.

Those who are interested, I would appreciate that you use my link below to find out more.

Thank you for reading my sharing of investments that I had done. You can read more about other investments in my other articles.

Remember to look at the info given on each site and decide whether you are willing to take the risk as all investments online come with a risk.

Disclaimer: This is my personal reflection and I am not in any position to instruct anyone what they should do. I am not responsible for any action taken as a result of this post. My post can only be a reference for your further research and growth.

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