Live a little•

in intsablurt •  2 years ago 

8th of June 2022.


These days it is easier for most young people and even older generations to fall into depression or feel anxious. A lot of factors come to play in today’s society towards gearing a person in that path of life. I hear people still say things like depression is not real it is all in the head. And honestly that kind of thinking disgusts me.

In psychology of human emotional problems mainly two things happen. It’s either most people are depressed or they have anxiety. Now psychologist have been able to come up with a reason for these feelings not emotions.


It is often believed that most people are depressed because they dwell in the past. They are so caught-up in their mistakes from the past and it is haunting them like a specie about to be extinct. That is why most “depressed person” seem to regret a lot about things that have happened to them before now.


If you are always anxious or feel so much anxiety then it is because you are very futuristic. You are too connected to the future and it’s not like you want it to come as quickly as possible. It more like you are thinking “what will happen when this future finally comes”. You are probably like me. The future borders you a lot and you can’t help but worry.

So many things comes to play in this situation. Security, ambitions, time, love and everything that makes life desirable. And when you think so much about these things you just end up telling yourself that there is more work to be done.

Get this, what these two factors do is rob you of time. Depression rob you of your time in the present because you are more worried about things in the past while anxiety robs you of what you can enjoy in the presence because you are more worried about the future. Isn’t it ironic.

       My suggestions? Live a little.

Its okay to reflect on your past, point out your mistakes, learn and move on from them after-all life doesn’t come with a handbook or a manual we just live and learn as we go.

It is fine to be concerned about your future and to make plans but don’t allow something that is yet to happen rob you of something that is happening to you right now.

It is called the past and the future for a reason. You have no real control over them but what you do have control over is the “NOW”. So love your life in your present. Guide your thoughts and protect your emotions. Life is hard truth be told but always thinking of it this way - as long as I have my present I would love and when tomorrow comes I would face it knowing that I have lived.

Thank you for reading with me•
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