How to start blog

in introduction •  2 years ago 

How to Start a Blog Using Google Blogger
If you want to write blog posts, you need a blog to hold those posts. Google’s Blogger is a free,
simple blogging platform that’s packed with useful tools. Here’s how to get started.
If you’ve ever gone to a website that had “blogspot” in the URL, you’ve been to a blog that uses
Google Blogger. It’s a very popular blogging platform because it’s free—you just need a free
Google account, which you’ve already got if you have a Gmail address—and you don’t need to
know any technical wizardry to set it up or publish your blog posts. It’s by no means the only
blogging platform, and it’s not the only free option, but it is a very easy way to start blogging.
Create Your Blog
To begin, you’ll need to log into your Google account. For most people, this means logging into
Gmail, but if you don’t already have a Gmail account, you can create one here.
Once you’re logged in, click the nine-dot grid in the top right to open the list of Google apps and
then click the “Blogger” icon.
On the page that opens, click the “Create Your Blog” button.
Choose a display name that people will see when they read your blog. This doesn’t have to be
your real name or your email handle. You can change this later.
Once you’ve entered a name, click “Continue to Blogger.”
You’re now ready to create your blog. Go ahead and click the “Create New Blog” button.
The “Create a New Blog” panel will open, where you need to choose a Title, Address, and
Theme for your blog.
The Title will be the name that’s displayed on the blog, the Address is the URL that people will
use to access your blog, and the Theme is the layout and color scheme for your blog. All of
these can be changed later, so it’s not critical to get these perfect right away.
If someone has already used the Address you want, a message will be displayed letting you

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