self introduction

in introduction •  3 years ago 



hello all friends! how are you all. I wish you good health and success in the future. Of course I always wish the best for all of us.
Introduce my name is Herial Saptra I come from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam I was born on March 10, 2001 I am the 5th child of 5 siblings
My working parents (father) is a farmer, my mother is a housewife.

My current activities have just graduated from school and I am still looking for work and helping my parents such as farming, looking for animal feed. My hobbies are sports such as playing ball, badminton, jogging, boxing and swimming. I once participated in a national level boxing competition and I got a silver medal although I was disappointed that I didn't get a gold medal. But I am even more enthusiastic about practicing so that I can win a gold medal in the upcoming national championships, that's my introduction, hopefully I get support from all of my friends.

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