in introduction •  2 years ago 

Hi Bluters,

I might want to thank you for offering me this chance to present myself.
How are all of you?I want to believe that you are well. I'm additionally well by the beauty of Allah. I'm another individual from this blurt people group. I had close to zero familiarity with this stage. I find out about this stage from a companion of mine. My companion is empowering me to deal with this stage. I'm likewise keen on chipping away at this site under his motivation. Presently I am completely mindful of this site. I have worked at Hive previously. Ideally I will appreciate dealing with this site much more. This is my most memorable post. On the off chance that there is any error in my most memorable post, everybody will check out at me with a look of pardoning.


I go by nick . But 'adriyelwalker' I like this name very much . I'm from Bangladesh. My house is in Dhaka locale and a town in Mirpur upazila. My town is called Mirpur . My town is an ideal town in Dhaka region. My town is a long ways ahead in sports and schooling. I love my town without question.


About the family:


This is my father and brother.
My family is a working class family in the town.
We have 4 our relatives. My dad is the top of my loved ones. My dad is a cop. My mom is a housewife. He does all the housework. Our family is running on my dad's pay. I'm the oldest offspring of this family.I am the oldest child of this family.

Instructive Qualification:

I'm an understudy. I am graduating now. But my first college exam not usefull because, I as of late pass H.S.C in this autopass system.And my outcomes have been decently good.I am not content with the consequence of this auto pass. My outcomes were bad a result of this auto pass.But I am currently getting ready for college confirmation.

My friends:


My number one leisure activity:

Each person in this world has a portion of my first side interests. I likewise have one of my first leisure activities is fishing with a bar and kite flying. I have my very own few lakes. I spare my relaxation time by getting fish in my lake.
I like to fly kites with the children when I have extra energy.
At times I go kite flying with my cousins. I appreciate flying kites with them.

My inclinations:

I like games without a doubt. I'm similarly capable in both football and cricket. However, my first game is football.
I go to play football in the neighborhood field of my town around early afternoon. I generally attempt to accomplish something great. Both football and cricket are similarly well known in our country. My nation is as of now in a generally excellent situation in the sport of cricket. Shakib Al Hasan, Mashrafe, Musfiqur Rahman Imrul Kayes, Tamim Iqbal are numerous famous cricketers. All the cricket admirers of our nation know them. In addition, in football, Bangladesh is a long ways in front of different nations in Asia. For a superior situation in football, the football league of our nation needs to offer more chances to the players. I suppose on the off chance that we train our country's players more, our country's players will actually want to accomplish something comparable to different nations. What's more, one day our nation will likewise be able to play in a major occasion like the World Cup. Something else to remember is that "difficult work pays off.


At the point when I grew up and I figured out how to comprehend I knew many games yet I enjoyed volleyball the most I actually play volleyball after I come to work since we have competitions here and I go along with them. What's more, I have a few companions who likewise take part here, we as a whole play together. So I like playing volleyball without a doubt.


Why I need to deal with this stage?

I'm absolutely new to this stage so similar to what it was from the outset. At first I had close to zero familiarity with this stage yet presently I am gradually gaining some significant experience. Ideal to meet you at the principal phase of this stage.
However possessing one is still past the scope of the typical individual. Where individuals from everywhere the world work together, I have seen different working networks here. Other than that, this multitude of networks are notable about a nation and the way of life of a country. This is a decent viewpoint that I like. It's likewise a local area where individuals from everywhere the world meet up to attempt to share their encounters and think of a novel, new thing. I came here with this work so I can share my abilities and encounters. I likewise believe that should improve here. Everybody will supplicate that I prevail in my undertakings.
Ideally I have shared my own experience enough. In any case, in the event that any of you have anything to ask me. You can ask in the remarks area and I will make an honest effort to answer when possible.My work on this stage will be simpler fully supported by every one of you. So I want to believe that all of you support.

Ideally I have shared my own experience enough. In any case, assuming any of you have anything to ask me. You can ask in the remarks segment and I will make an honest effort to answer when possible.My work on this stage will be more straightforward fully supported by every one of you. So I genuinely want to believe that all of you support.

I might want to thank my companions who acquainted and empowered me with get together with this astounding local area.

I was acquainted with Steemit by my awesome companion @megadrive and I'm happy I at last regard to his recommendation. I love composing so a lot and I anticipate learning and getting a charge out of shout without limit. Being an incredible time is going.

Much thanks to you. Gratitude for @saboin @blurtbooster.....

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